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Improving Miro dashboard usability

  • Erin Tan

Would like to suggest 2 enhancements to improve usability and workflow for the Miro dashboard:

  1. Upon a new board created with content being added. There shouldn’t be a need to set “preview area” to generate an image in a card during dashboard view. It is very laborious when you have a team with multiple boards and you have to do this manually for every board created. Even if you set a preview area, it doesn’t seem to update with the latest content. Mural is a good example of how this should work.
  2. Can we also create folders within a project to help organise boards better? It’s difficult working with a cluttered view of where everything is when you have many boards created. This is difficult to avoid when you have a large scale project that goes on for a long time. Refer to Mural on this point as well.

These would be some simple and great quality of life improvements when it comes to using Miro! Which has been great so far for my team since we’ve migrated from Mural.

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