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How can we change the owner of an educational team?

  • September 14, 2022
  • 1 reply

Hey folks, I have historically taught a class that uses Miro and am taking a sabbatical this semester so I need to transfer control of the Miro team to the professor who will be replacing me so they can use all my templates.  I don’t appear to be able to do this. Is this a limitation of Educational MIRO boards? Is there a way to transfer or share ownership?


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  • Mironeer
  • 121 replies
  • September 16, 2022

Hi @David Franchino! Single Team Admin is one the limitations of the Education plan as the plan is granted to users individually according to the eligibility criteria. I'm afraid it's impossible to change the team admin on your end. 

However, you can transfer the Admin rights when leaving the team you manage. To proceed, please go to Settings > Team profile, scroll down and click the Leave team button. Here you can choose the new Team Admin (they should be a member of your team):


However, please note that if you leave the team, you will lose access to the team’s boards and the ownership of your boards will be reassigned to the new Admin.

You may also reach out to the Support team to check if it’s possible to transfer Admin rights to another user on the backend while still keeping you as a team member.

Hope this brings more clarity to the situation!
