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Locked frames moving after pasting images

Hi Miro team!


I am learning MIRO, and experimenting using it for something it is not meant for 😊 (Playing tabletop games)

As I was making a video tutorial for it, I noticed a very annoying bug for me.


  1. Lock a Background Image
  2. Right Click -> Convert it to Frame
  3. Copy another image to clipboard (from anywhere)
  4. Paste to MIRO on top of the Locked Frame
  5. Move while uploading image → Frame will move!! Even if locked!! Totally should not happen.

PS: I think it happens while the pasted image is still uploading??? (not sure)

You can see a video of the bug happening here:


Happened to me again:



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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • May 18, 2022

@JeansenVaars -

I wasn’t able to reproduce this. However, I did one extra step which wasn’t in your list. After #2 (creating the frame), I locked the frame. Once I did that, while the 2nd (pasted) image was being loaded I tried moving the underlying frame and couldn’t.

So did you only lock the original image or did you also lock the frame you created from it?


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • May 18, 2022

@JeansenVaars - Thanks for sharing the video, but there was a lot going on, so I am not sure exactly what you were wanting to point out. However, let me share my experience of known and expected behaviours in Miro.

  1. Lock a Background Image
  2. Right Click -> Convert it to Frame
  3. Copy another image to clipboard (from anywhere)
  4. Paste to MIRO on top of the Locked Frame
  5. Move while uploading image → Frame will move!! Even if locked!! Totally should not happen.

Assuming you meant “Right-click → Create frame” in step #2, I will summarize that any locked images inside a frame will move with the frame. However, if  you lock that frame, putting another frame should not move the locked frame - essentially, locked frame should never move. Example:


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  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • May 18, 2022

Edited: false statement

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  • May 18, 2022

Alright, I have learned something new.

You have to have the Frame “Selected” before pasting the image on top of it.

Doesn’t matter if the Frame or the background image are locked or not.

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  • Beginner
  • 3 replies
  • May 18, 2022

Last but not least, bug also happens on small images. You just have to have the “Frame” selected (even if locked) before pasting it

I hope that helps @Kiron Bondale@Robert Johnson 

I experience the same problem:

  1. Select a locked shape
  2. paste an image
  3. move the image
  4. the shape follows 😞 :(

cntrl +z only undoes the placing of the figure (never the moveing of the locked shape)

So afterwards I have to unlock the frame, move it back manually, lock it again and hope I learned from my mistake of selecting it (which i dont)
