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HELP! No matter what I do, I can't get text into a sticky note!

  • March 8, 2022
  • 1 reply

I am like 10 minutes new to Miro, so I apologize if this is a supremely stupid question. But I set up my Board, and typed my first heading in my first note by double clicking on it and typing. 

This is not working for the second note. Nothing is working on the second note. When I select it the four dots appear, it has a blue square around it, but that is it. For the life of me I cannot get a cursor to add text to the note.

I’ve locked the board, I’ve clicked the T, I’m sure I am on select mode. Thank you in advance!!

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  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • March 8, 2022

@Michele Tivey :

There are two ways of getting it

  1. Following this link:
  2. It can depend on the Browser you’re using so my question:
    What happens when you using Google Chrome / Firefox / the Miro-App

    Is the result the same?

    Please reply to this question, so we’ve got to know if one of the both ways worked

Best :fingers_crossed:
