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How to delete view only boards

  • January 10, 2022
  • 5 replies


I have a free plan and at some meeting I had people join my team and they have created multiple boards that I can’t really edit or delete. 


I would like to remove them and regain access to my boards that I was actually using. Do you know how I can fix this?


After the meeting the users went M.I.A. and are not currently using the boards so the content of them is just mess. 

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7267 replies
  • January 10, 2022

@Adrianna Wardzala - If you created this team and are still a Team Admin, you can delete the user at which point you can assume ownership of the boards and delete them.

Steps here:

If you are not the Team Admin, reply back here and we can discuss next steps.

Please let us know how many teams your Miro account profile is currently a member of - you can find this our by looking at the left-vertical black bar in your Miro dashboard, e.g.,:


Thanks so much for your help!


I was able to delete them and the boards disappeared - however I am missing now two of my boards. Do you know if I can recover them in any way?



Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • January 11, 2022

@Adrianna Wardzala -

As a free plan doesn’t provide a user with access to the recycle bin, the only way I know of to access accidentally deleted boards would be to check your browser history, locate the URL for the two missing boards and access them using those URLs. 


Thank you so much for your help! I will do that :)

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7267 replies
  • January 11, 2022

@Adrianna Wardzala - My apologies for not providing more detailed steps of the process.

however I am missing now two of my boards.

This is because you were not the owner of those two boards.

When you deleted the user from your team, you would have been presented with the name of the team member who would have become the owner of these deleted boards, and is the only person who can restore them. For example:


Which button you used when deleting the user will determine your next steps:

  1. “Delete user” - The user was deleted and the person listed above the buttons is now the owner of the boards and could transfer the ownership of the board to you.
  2. “Delete user and content” - If you used this button, the boards were still reassigned to the new owner/member, but they were also deleted. You would need to find the board link in your browser history, send that to the new owner, and ask them to open that link and restore the board from the trash. Then they could transfer ownership of the board to you.

Finding out who the new board owner is

It is very likely that, if you go back to the list of active users/members, pick one with a the role of “Member” and NOT “Team Admin”, start the Delete from team process (but don’t actually delete them!), you will be presented with the name of the person whom the boards will be reassigned to - this should be the same person who the boards you are looking for were reassigned to.
