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Is anyone else struggling with the changes to the Select functionality?

Since the changes to the select functionality over the last few days - I now find that whenever I want to select something (or somethings) within a container of some decription - whether a box, table or something else - it ALWAYS selects the container as well - even if I go nowhere near the edges.  I’m finding this very frustrating. Any suggestions.

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • December 24, 2021

@Kate McRae -

Can you post a Loom (or similar) video of what you are experiencing as I just did a test on my Windows 10/Google Chrome configuration and couldn’t replicate this? I had a frame with a sticky note, a rectangle, and a circle inside the rectangle. I was able to independently select and move each element without it selecting all of them. All of them are ungrouped, of course.


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • December 24, 2021

I suspect that @Kate McRae is referring to the fact that objects only used to be selected using Shift+drag if they were fully encased in the blue select area/rectangle.

With the recent changes, as soon as the blue select-rectangle touches an object, they become selected

In this example, I would have been able to easily select the two sticky notes by dragging around them. However, how the yellow rounded-rectangle gets selected too:


Kate McRae wrote:

Since the changes to the select functionality over the last few days - I now find that whenever I want to select something (or somethings) within a container of some decription - whether a box, table or something else - it ALWAYS selects the container as well - even if I go nowhere near the edges.  I’m finding this very frustrating. Any suggestions.

Yes - I have this same problem, and I thought it was just me.  Happy to post a screen recording.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • December 27, 2021

I suspect this was an intentional and is considered to be an improvement. 

Lena Shenkarenko
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 97 replies
  • January 3, 2022

Hi everyone, want to answer a few of the open questions here: we indeed rolled out the updated selection behavior to all users at the end of December. 

  • Selection of sticky notes, shapes, text, emojis, frames, and lines is now much easier because we allow to select them when the lasso is touching only ~1% of the object.

The updated selection behavior may not be working for you as expected if you use shapes as background for other board objects (for example, text).

If you want to ensure you don’t select shapes when selecting other board objects on top of them, please, hold the mouse button or touch bar for a long click. This way you will be able to drag the board objects that you intended to re-position without accidentally moving shapes. 

@Kate McRae, please, let me know if this is helpful, or you are still finding your experience with selecting board objects suboptimal? 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • January 3, 2022

@Lena Shenkarenko - Brilliant - thanks for sharing!


When I left-click-and-drag, I select any object my select blue/outline comes in contact with… but if I hold the left mouse button down for 1-2 seconds, it turns into a plus symbol and now I need to full encase an object in order for it to become selected:


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7276 replies
  • January 6, 2022

@Lena Shenkarenko - Feedback I have been hearing is that: “If you want the new behaviour, do the new action”, i.e., hold down the mouse button. Now users may suffer “death by a thousand long holds”.

It took me more than 2 weeks to find that there was a work around to get the ‘’select contained’’ selection mode back. @Lena Shenkarenko Have the development team considered adding a physical entry point to change the selection mode so that we would still have the flexibility of the two selection mode while not having to do unnecessary long presses each time?

Something like what Axure is doing:


  • Author
  • 15 replies
  • January 12, 2022

Apologies @Lena Shenkarenko - have been on leave, and just back today. 


Will check out your suggestion and get back to you. 


I suspect the problem is as you describe - that the select function now includes background shapes - which we use regularly to delineate the board.  

That said - I do use the long click already - so I’m not sure that will fix things. 

Will give it a go.

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • January 27, 2022

@Lena Shenkarenko thx a lot for the info!

The fact that you can still select items “the old way” calmed me down but I rly struggle to understand why you folks keep changing or completely removing working functionality that everyone is used to (e.g. double click to add shape/sticky note) so people have to get used to it again (even if they don’t want to). Why not adding new functionality as an option or make it configurable as @Christine Power mentioned? :face_palm_tone1:

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • February 2, 2022

Wow, so glad I finally came across this thread after battling with my miro boards lately! 

I agree with the suggestion Christine made above - I had a similar thought and wondered if the selection modes could be toggle-able. For one, all other programs I use have a selection mode more aligned with what it was previously in Miro - so it’s hard to switch back and forth. Maybe it’s just new to me and I have to get used to it, but the new selection functionality is a bit frustrating when everything underneath or that I barely touch gets selected. Like others, I’m constantly using layered shapes (rectangles most often) to delineate spaces. I’m glad that the old functionality is still there if I hold the mouse click longer, but that is what I have to do now almost everytime I select.

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • February 10, 2022

Hi, before an update, it just selected the objects without background, but now the background also got selected, is there a new way? I don't find it on this page, there is also written 90% but Im just selecting 40 % for example, but its still selecting the background. :/


I dont want to select a background, thats the only issue. 

  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • February 10, 2022

but thas now another problem, the old version was much better!! I dont want to select everything with 1% I dont want for example select the background…


Lena Shenkarenko wrote:

Hi everyone, want to answer a few of the open questions here: we indeed rolled out the updated selection behavior to all users at the end of December. 

  • Selection of sticky notes, shapes, text, emojis, frames, and lines is now much easier because we allow to select them when the lasso is touching only ~1% of the object.

The updated selection behavior may not be working for you as expected if you use shapes as background for other board objects (for example, text).

If you want to ensure you don’t select shapes when selecting other board objects on top of them, please, hold the mouse button or touch bar for a long click. This way you will be able to drag the board objects that you intended to re-position without accidentally moving shapes. 

@Kate McRae, please, let me know if this is helpful, or you are still finding your experience with selecting board objects suboptimal? 



Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 103 replies
  • February 10, 2022
Lena Shenkarenko wrote:

Hi everyone, want to answer a few of the open questions here: we indeed rolled out the updated selection behavior to all users at the end of December. 

  • Selection of sticky notes, shapes, text, emojis, frames, and lines is now much easier because we allow to select them when the lasso is touching only ~1% of the object.

The updated selection behavior may not be working for you as expected if you use shapes as background for other board objects (for example, text).

If you want to ensure you don’t select shapes when selecting other board objects on top of them, please, hold the mouse button or touch bar for a long click. This way you will be able to drag the board objects that you intended to re-position without accidentally moving shapes. 

@Kate McRae, please, let me know if this is helpful, or you are still finding your experience with selecting board objects suboptimal? 

This Update is soooo terrible @Lena Shenkarenko … I generally can accommodate any changes but trying to explain Long Mouse Click and do this or that is way over the head of the other Users in my Office.

I Submitted a Feature Request many years ago to Realtimeboard.  Many CAD programs use a method of Fully Enclosed or Partially Enclosed Objects within the Selection Box (Window) depending if the Selection Box is Drawn (Started) from Left to Right or Right to Left.  To help the User the Selection Box Border (Fence) will show as Solid Line or Dashed Line depending on Fully or Partially Enclosed Objects method of Selection.

Brandon Lee
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 103 replies
  • February 13, 2022
