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deleting my education account

  • December 16, 2021
  • 5 replies

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies

1 How can I delete my education account?

2 After deleting my education account, will it shift to a free account or my account be completely vanished(I mean not  shifting to other plans because it is completely deleted)

3 After my education account expired, what happens after that?

I’m not a native speaker of English, so I’m sorry my English is not the best.

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  • Mironeer
  • 121 replies
  • December 20, 2021

Hi @yuu!

Thank you for reaching out and addressing your questions in such a structured manner! And please have no worries, you’ve communicated your questions in English in a really clear way! 😌  

So, let me answer your questions one by one.

How can I delete my education account?

To delete an Education account (team), feel free to follow this basic steps (the process is described in our Help Center):

1. Open the Team settings

2. Switch to the Team profile tab

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and choose Delete team


4. If there’s any content that needs to be saved, you can download backupsmove your content to a different account, or delete all the boards that you and your team members own


5. You will receive an email with a confirmation link. Click the link to finish the deletion of the team


Aand it’s done! 🙂

After deleting my education account, will it shift to a free account or my account be completely vanished(I mean not  shifting to other plans because it is completely deleted)

The option to change the plan pops up when you cancel a subscription for a paid plan or if your Education license for students (which is valid for 2 years) expires. Both the team and the content is is preserved in this case, you don’t lose your content. Some boards might become locked in View-only mode, however.

Deleting an account (team) is a whole different story. In this case both the team and the content are deleted irrevocably. So please make sure there isn’t any important content within a team before deleting it. 🙏

By the way, please note that deleting an account (team) is different from deleting your profile. You can delete your Education account (team), but still be member of other accounts (teams). If you delete your profile, however, all your information will be removed from our system.

After my education account expired, what happens after that?

It depends on what kind of Education license you’ve got.

  • If it’s Education license for teachers, it will never expire as it is valid forever. 😎
  • If it’s Education license for students, it will automatically expire after two years. You will see this message pop up:

    That sure a lengthy answer, but I hope it helps! 🙂✨

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • December 20, 2021

Thank you for replying!

I checked my team and I tried to find Delete team button, but I couldn’t find that .(I only have Leave team button)

1 In this case, how can I delete my account?

2  If I have only one education account, will my profile be deleted at the same time when I delete my education account?

Sorry to bother you again.


  • Mironeer
  • 121 replies
  • December 21, 2021

Hi @yuu!

It’s totally okay to address any questions you have and to stay curious, that’s what the Community is for, so thank you for getting back to me! 😊

Your questions will require further investigation so I went ahead and created a ticket for this question. I’ll get back to you shortly via email!

Hope you don’t mind! 🙏

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7248 replies
  • December 21, 2021

@yuu - I won’t have the level of access that that @Polina_E does in order to see the details of your account profile, however, I will share what I know from experience.


Miro teams have members who have “roles” - the common ones being:

  1. Member
  2. Team Admin

For Education Plan teams, there can only be one Team Admin - this is usually the person who first set up the team.

Because you don’t have the “Delete team” button, you are not the Team Admin/owner of this team. The only possible scenarios are:

  1. Someone else applied for the Education Plan team and then they--or another team Member--invited you to the team/a board in that team.
  2. You applied for the team and later left the team at which point you transferred Team Admin privileges to another team Member, and then later rejoined the team - this is unlikely.

If this is the only team that your Miro account profile, i.e., your email address, is a member of, when you use the “Leave team” action, Miro will detect that you are no longer a member of any team and will prompt you to create your own Free Plan team.

How to determine how many teams your are a member of

Look at the left, vertical black bar on your Miro dashboard - in this example, the signed in user is a member of three teams that they can switch between by clicking on the team avatar:


Leaving your current team AND keeping your boards

While you can download board backups from your current team, you would not be able to upload those backups into a Free Plan team as this feature is not supported in the Free Plan.

If you choose to use the “Leave team” action and create a new Free Plan team, you could take the following steps to duplicate boards form your current Education Plan team into your Free Plan team:

  1. Open the board’s Share settings and set the “Anyone with the board”/public access to “Can view” - adding a password is optional.
  2. And copy the board link - save this somewhere to get to later, e.g., a text file.


  3. Click on Sharing settings 

  4. Permissions → Who can copy board content* and set it to Anyone with the board access:
  1. Complete steps 1-4 for each board that you want to keep a copy of.
  2. Once you have left the current team and created your own Free Plan team, open each board and click on the board title and then “Duplicate”:


You will now have a copy/duplicate of this board in your Free Plan account.

*If you don’t have the option of “Anyone with the board access”, then the Team Admin has not allowed for this. You could either

  1. ask them to enable it by following these instructions:
  2. or download a board backup file and consider purchasing a paid Miro account for one one to be able to restore the back up file.

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • December 22, 2021

Thank you for replying and  giving me useful information! 

I solved all my doubts!
