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How can I turn off selection?

  • October 22, 2021
  • 3 replies

Hello! Please help me to solve the problem.
Every time I put a sticker, text, a picture etc. on the board, it swithes to selection mode (?). I mean erlier I could put an object on the board and immediately start moving around the board using the left button of my mouse.

Now every time I put an object on the board the left button of the mouse became “select”. And I can move around the board using the right button of the mouse only.
It’s uncomfortable to switch “select” off every time. How can I remove this function?

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3 replies

Olga an issue with firefox seemed to emerge overnight. Try changing browsers if you are on FF. Chrome seems to work ‘in the good old way’ (see other thread)

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7258 replies
  • October 23, 2021

As far back I can remember, the cursor always switches from pan to select mode once you have added a new object - the logic being: if you added an object, it is very likely that you will want to select it and modify/move it.

earlier I could put an object on the board and immediately start moving around the board using the left button of my mouse

Yon can still do this if you click on a blank spot on the board (or a locked object). Once caveat being you must not be in trackpad navigation mode - left-click-and-drag while in trackpad mode will do a multi-select, just like Shift+drag.

Quick switching between select/pan

In case you didn’t know, these hotkeys may be helpful:

Switching between select/pan modes

Try using hotkeys to select a certain object or pan across the board:

  • Use V and H hotkeys to switch between the select/edit mode (cursor tool) and the hand/pan mode
  • Spacebar - temporarily activates the hand/pan mode. Keep Spacebar pressed to pan across the boards without messing up the built structures

✏️ You can also activate the select mode on the toolbar.

Source →

More shortcuts and hotkeys here:

Simon Dunstall wrote:

Olga an issue with firefox seemed to emerge overnight. Try changing browsers if you are on FF. Chrome seems to work ‘in the good old way’ (see other thread)

Hello! Thank you for advice. I use Google Chrome only. Unfortunately, I still didn’t solve the problem with this thing.
