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Can't Select Connection Lines in a Diagram

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Hi, I am trying to edit a large diagram composed of many nodes connected by lines. I want to delete and/or change some of the connection lines but they won’t let me select them by clicking. Is there some reason for this? 

I’m trying to delete the lines, for the record. 

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Reid Thomas
  • Miro Hero
  • 39 replies
  • October 18, 2021

Hey @IanH, welcome, 

I would need a bit more context to understand why you cannot select the lines, could you provide a screenshot?



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  • October 18, 2021

Hi @Reid Thomas when I click on the line, I don’t see the white circles appear at the ends, and it doesn’t respond at all... I try to click on it but it won’t respond (nothing seems locked either). I only manage to bring up the text box...Not sure if this image is any use, it just shows the lines….


Reid Thomas
  • Miro Hero
  • 39 replies
  • October 18, 2021

If you press Shift and select a large chunk of the board (with the immovable line in mention), are you able to move it?

When you click on the line does something else highlight? It is possible that you have moved forward a different, transparent object. 

If you are using the browser version it never hurts to try clearing your cache and rebooting. 

Let me know how it goes :)

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7270 replies
  • October 18, 2021

@IanH - In addition to @Reid Thomas‘s questions, I would ask are the lines perhaps locked or grouped with other objects?

You may also want to the the Miro desktop app to see what happens.

Another way to show us exactly what is happening would be to record a video. Loom is free, quite easy to use, and very easy to share screen recordings.

Max Harper
  • Miro Hero
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  • October 19, 2021


Seeing the purple lines in your photo … I’m tempted to think you’re using the MIro mindmap tool… is that the case? 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7270 replies
  • October 19, 2021

Nice catch, @Max Harper! Yay for teamwork!

Looks exactly like a vertical mind map with straight lines and a green highlighted node:


@IanH - If the centre of your purple lines looks like the above, i.e., an oval shape, then it is indeed a mind map and you cannot select lines - instead, you select the node and move those.

Reid Thomas
  • Miro Hero
  • 39 replies
  • October 19, 2021

Good eye @Max Harper!

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  • October 19, 2021
Robert Johnson wrote:

Nice catch, @Max Harper! Yay for teamwork!

Looks exactly like a vertical mind map with straight lines and a green highlighted node:


@IanH - If the centre of your purple lines looks like the above, i.e., an oval shape, then it is indeed a mind map and you cannot select lines - instead, you select the node and move those.

Hi @Max Harper and @Robert Johnson yes, I think you’re right! Here’s a pic of part of the key to the chart and it looks exactly like what you posted. So I move nodes and not lines? What if I want to break a cluster of nodes off a section of the tree, do I just have to copy or delete them?


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7270 replies
  • October 19, 2021


So I move nodes and not lines?


What if I want to break a cluster of nodes off a section of the tree, do I just have to copy or delete them?

You can break off cluster of nodes by selecting the node and then using Ctrl/Cmd-C and then Ctrl/Cmd-V which will create a new mind map - you would then delete the node from the original map. You can also create a copy by selecting a node and using Ctrl/Cmd-D. There are other shortcuts and information in the Mind Map Help Center article.

  • Author
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  • October 19, 2021

Thanks @Robert Johnson I’ll try to do this. I really appreciate everyone’s help! 

I’ll also take a look at and bookmark the Mind Map Help Center article you linked to, thanks again. 

IanH wrote:

Hi, I am trying to edit a large diagram composed of many nodes connected by lines. I want to delete and/or change some of the connection lines but they won’t let me select them by clicking. Is there some reason for this? 

I’m trying to delete the lines, for the record. 

I have the same problem. Nobody could help.

I have the same problem. I can’t select or delete connections unless I have created them in that session. If they’re created before my session and then I enter the document they can’t be modified or even selected, regardless of my permissions

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • September 21, 2022

I also had this problem.  I solved it by firstly creating the required text boxes.  Then creating the connection lines (and connecting the text boxes) with the connection line tool (left side on the screen).  This procedure allows lines to be selected because the text boxes and lines are created independently of each other.
