Hi, can someone please give more information on anonymous board editors, external board editors, and external board viewers and commenters? Do any of these roles require licenses? And what is the difference between them?
We are thinking of licensing Miro, but need to understand how this works to know how many licenses we would need to buy.
Best answer by Kiron Bondale
sales@miro.com would be your best source for complete info on this question.
Anonymous guest editors don’t consume licenses or cost anything. They would access specific boards which you have shared with the public in either view, comment or edit mode. Just be aware that there is currently no password protection on such publicly shared boards, and you cannot “name” the guest editors as Miro will randomly assign names to them (e.g. Guest Designer).
sales@miro.com would be your best source for complete info on this question.
Anonymous guest editors don’t consume licenses or cost anything. They would access specific boards which you have shared with the public in either view, comment or edit mode. Just be aware that there is currently no password protection on such publicly shared boards, and you cannot “name” the guest editors as Miro will randomly assign names to them (e.g. Guest Designer).