is it possible to be more clear about the specific limitation the free version has in terms of users, there are several post related to similar topic, so it seems the documentation is not clear.
Let’s say I would like to run a retrospective meeting under the free version, I now only three boards are available. My teams has 15 people. Can I share the link to invite them to the retro meeting so they are able to create sticky notes related to the retro? Is it possible?, I don’t want to be in a meeting and then to realize it doesn’t work because people can not provide information to the board.
The free version documentation states unlimited users, but the wording is different depending where you read this information.
According to this information what does it mean? What is the point of getting someone with the link view access only. This is the same as me sharing my screen in a Webex Section we don’t need a link for that unless people can participate in the session creating sticky notes or any other information the specific template needs.
I shared the link with one person and I verified she can edit the template I created, so is it considered a team access not an “Anyone with the link”.
The additional information at the bottom says: “Invite unlimited members”,
so we have so far under this screen three concepts not really explained: 1) Team access, 2) Anyone with the link, 3) Members

What is the team member under Miro context?
I just wanted to know if under my use case I can use Miro. I am really surprise how you can make a cool product which is the difficult part and to fail explaining the features each version has in a clear way, so we know the capability the product offers.
When I sign up the first time, I was assigned to a team, my be other team created by other person from my organization. Is there a way to change that?, then it is a team by company for the free version, not by user?
Thanks for any help from the community.