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How can you share scale and translation changes to your drawing to others?


hi all, 


I’m a teacher exploring using Miro for replacing whiteboard as we move to online education.  I also do some collective drawing exercises so I’m excited to try Miro as a tool in online workshops, etc. 

One issue I see is that if I am sharing a board with someone, they can see my drawing update in realtime but if I translate / zoom those transformations are not shared.  For example, I could fill the space with notes and then translate over and draw something else, but their screen is not updated when I change and drawings can quickly become out of the field of view for my students or others I am sharing with.  Is there a way to pass translation and zoom on to other people?    I’d like to make sure they see what I see.  I am a big fan of the infinite canvas model (where you can draw, and pan / zoom, etc) but it feels like unless there’s a way for them to know that the drawing is offscren, it’s un-useful and potentially kind of harmful as I could be drawing in a place they can’t see. 

forgive me if I missed something obvious! 



Best answer by Marina

Hi @zach.lieberman,

We’ve just released a set of attention management features. Do they work for your use case?

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ps: I tested an app called mural and they have a feature called “summon everyone” which helps people see your viewport (only facilitators can do this).  Doe something like this exist for Miro ?

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • April 30, 2020

@zach.lieberman -

You have a couple of options to achieve this with Miro:

  1. If you are not expecting them to update or modify the content of the board collaboratively, but rather just to watch what you are doing, then you can use the Screen Sharing capability which is available in the bottom tray toolbar. 
  2. The other option if you want a combination of them interacting and you showing them stuff is to combine Miro with a video conferencing/screen sharing tool like Zoom, WebEx or any other platform. That way, you can share your Miro screen and meanwhile they can continue to do their own editing on the same board.


  • Mironeer
  • 991 replies
  • Answer
  • May 15, 2020

Hi @zach.lieberman,

We’ve just released a set of attention management features. Do they work for your use case?
