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Using CC Libraries

  • July 20, 2021
  • 1 reply

Olivia King

Is there a plan to allow CC libraries to import other than AI files ??

I’d like to be able to see InDesign libraries.

Any Tips / Advice ? When i try to import form CC it says not supported.

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  • Customer Support Representative
  • 40 replies
  • July 23, 2021

Hi Olivia,

It is actually possible to upload InDesign created files to Miro through Adobe CC integration.

However, we do not support any native Adobe filetypes (e.g. .ai, .psd, etc…) but users can convert these in Adobe and save as Miro supported filetypes before adding them to the board (see Miro supported filetypes here).

Please note that the maximum file size uploaded to the board from any source is 30 MB. The maximum image resolution (from any source) is 32 MP. The restriction for image dimensions is 8192x4096 pixels.

Some complex PDF files can’t be rendered on boards due to our technical limitations. This usually happens with PDF’s that have many elements or small details on them. We’re working on improving our rendering tool but for now, you can use a workaround: 

  • Save the file in PNG or JPEG format in the software you used to create it;
  • Or convert a PDF file to PNG or JPEG using an online file converter

Hope this helps !
