I am the owner of a board and would like to make it accessible for everyone in my company should they need or want to access it. I have looked through the tutorials, however, have not got the permission section available in the team settings. I can only see what is on the snip below.
Is there any way how I can achieve such access, please?
I can’t see the option ‘Anyone with the link’ when I open Sharing settings.
It sounds like you are using the Enterprise Plan and would need to forward the following link to your organization's Miro "Company Admin" to request the feature be enabled:
Assuming you want view-only access, the simplest way to do this would be to use the anonymous guest editor sharing method which will let any one view the board as long as they have its URL:
@Marketa - The only plans with a multiteam setup that I am aware of are the Consultant and Enterprise plans - I will assume that you are on the Enterprise Plan.
When enabled, Team Privacy allows members of the subscription to only see teams to which they are invited to and other users in these teams. It can be used when working with different clients in separate teams to ensure that they don’t learn about each other. With Team privacy enabled it is not possible to share boards with the entire company in one click.
How do you expect that other team members will find your board?
Once you have made it visible to the enter company, you will need to consider how everyone will know that you have done this and how they can find the board.
There is some info on Enterprise Plan cross-team searching in the Search in Miro HC article:
Enterprise users can perform a full cross-team search from their Dashboard. That means any related content from teams that are under the Enterprise subscription will surface in the search results. They can search by board title, description, or text from any widgets, comments, sticky notes, etc. by typing a word or a phrase in the search bar.
Thank you for your inputs. I think it is probably the case Robert described and I can’t see the option ‘Anyone with the link’ when I open Sharing settings.
I can’t see the option ‘Anyone with the link’ when I open Sharing settings.
It sounds like you are using the Enterprise Plan and would need to forward the following link to your organization's Miro "Company Admin" to request the feature be enabled: