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Home view / landing area ?

Is there a way to set a ‘Home view’ or ‘Landing area’ on your Miro canvas that all collaborators first see when they open your board?

Additionally is there a shortcut key (like ‘H’) to jump to that area?

Thanks in advance!

Best answer by Kiron Bondale

@Fluxxer , you can use the Set start view option in the top-right settings menu to do this.

Not sure of a short cut to jump back there, but if you copy the link to the object you want to be the center of the starting view, then you could have links in various parts of a board which can jump you back there...



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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • Answer
  • April 17, 2020

@Fluxxer , you can use the Set start view option in the top-right settings menu to do this.

Not sure of a short cut to jump back there, but if you copy the link to the object you want to be the center of the starting view, then you could have links in various parts of a board which can jump you back there...



  • Author
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  • 2 replies
  • April 17, 2020

Perfect, thank you Kiron. Exactly the feature I was looking for!


We could ask @Miro to assign a shortcut key to it ;)

Wendie Hipolito

Can I set something similar to a “Start View” for each Frame in a board?  When I navigate from frame to frame at 100%, I end up in the middle of my Frame and want to end up seeing the upper left corner of each frame first.  I’m new to Miro. Am I missing something? 

We’ll be doing User Story Mapping remotely with clients this week.  We’ll have several story maps and each one is in a frame.  The maps will get long and we want to be able to quickly navigate between different story maps frames while on the call with the client.  Suggestions?


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • April 28, 2020

@Wendie Hipolito -

The only way this might be doable is if you drop a small shape in the upper left corner of each frame, get the link to it and then create a simple “menu” frame somewhere on your board which links to those spots for all the story map frames on the board.


  • Contributor
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  • August 13, 2020

Hmmm. How about a “home” button in the upper lefthand Miro/Title bar?

I use the same board to present class. I go from link to link to link. (Miro is fun!). But when I finish it would be great just to click up there to “home” and, boom, at the start of my class.

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • August 13, 2020

@G Kortum -

You could just provide your class with the URL for the home object on the board and they could just go directly to it by using that URL…


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  • August 13, 2020

Agreed.  (Please excuse my rookie-ness. I have not searched through all the documentation or forum. And I certainly do not wish to waste anyone’s time. )

I was thinking from the presenter stand point.  I have set the start view at the desired position, sometimes it works. I will present class, close the Miro tab to work on reports, open a new tab and load my board. The view is where I finished presenting, not the start view. As the link option exists among board objects, I thought it would be great to have a link button on the Miro/Project title bar in the upper left hand corner. This button could link to a home object. (I teach children and a few times with my mouse (the surface acts like a pad) I have skidded off to oblivion, and zooming in and out and scrolling or using the map view to get my bearings confuses them.)


No deal breaker, though. I love Miro. It has changed the way I plan and teach. I am not going back to my old way. In fact, my superiors have requested I give a presentation on how I use Miro. 


Thanks, Miro Team!

Anyone have trouble with the start view? No matter how many times I set it, the link for guest collaborators often just opens in the middle of the board.


Any ideas?

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • October 9, 2020


That is odd - I just tried it from one of my test boards, shared the board and then accessed it as an anonymous guest editor and it took me to the correct start view area.

Do you know how those guest collaborators were accessing Miro - were they using the app or a supported browser?


Kim Roth Howe
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  • December 29, 2020

I’ve been using Miro Lite for brief client interactions recently but struggling with the lack of start view or direct links to objects in Lite to give a focal point for people joining the board. 

I’ve done some experimenting but haven’t been able to figure out the logic for where folks are dropped into the Lite boards on first entry.   

Anyone have any ideas?  

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • December 30, 2020

@Kim Roth Howe - I just had a quick peek as I haven’t used Miro Lite and can’t find anyway to specify a start location or link to an object 

My only suggestion for having someone get to where you are is to instruct them to click on your avatar as soon as they are on the board, which will take them to where you are. Other than that, perhaps create a Project called “Miro Lite” and create your own “temporary” boards there.

  • Contributor
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  • February 16, 2021
3ADAPT TEAM wrote:

Anyone have trouble with the start view? No matter how many times I set it, the link for guest collaborators often just opens in the middle of the board.


Any ideas?

I am here with the same issue, searching for why “set start view" doesn’t work. Even without refreshing the page, in the same session, if I click to “set start view” after saving previous view, it shows something else every time. If I go to the Miro dashboard and then open the board again, the start view changes again to something quite random (a very large space that includes some but not all of the existing frames). It does not work.
