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Members did not receive board share invite/Name of members is Guest

2 out of the 4 members I shared the Miro board received the email invitation.  Why didn’t the other 2 members receive the invite to access the Miro board?  Also, the names of the 2 members who did not receive the email invitation for the Miro board are named as guest whereas the names of other 2 members who did receive the email invitation are shown when accessing the Miro board.  How can the names of the 2 members who did not receive the email invitation be shown when collaborating on the Miro board?

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • March 8, 2021

@Jozelle - Let’s unpack this.

I assume that you have a board that you need others to collaborate on with you.


2 out of the 4 members


Are these four “members” paid/licensed users on your Miro team or you are referring to “physical” team members/colleagues?


Why didn’t the other 2 members receive the invite to access the Miro board?


How are you sharing the board? When you mention “guest”, I assume you are using “Anyone with the link → Can edit”, are using the Copy board link button, and are then emailing the link, e.g.:


However, you used the word “invite”, so are you trying to add the users to the board as follows?



If yes, then only paid/full licensed members of your Miro team where the boards is located can be added here, unless there are available licenses called “paid seats” available.


Also, the names of the 2 members who did not receive the email invitation for the Miro board are named as guest


If they did not receive an email invitation, how did they get on the board? Again, this sounds like you used “Anyone with the link → Can edit” and sent them a link. However, when you say “named as guest”, is this their board “role” or their “cursor”?

E.g., I have a Miro account, but am not a part of your team, and you send me a link to a board. While I am signed in to my account and on your board, I am a “Guest editor”, but my name will show up on my cursor:


But if I am someone who does not have a Miro account, then the word “Guest” will show up by my cursor:


  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • March 8, 2021

@Robert Johnson - Thanks for responding.  Let me provide additional details.

2 out of the 4 members


Are these four “members” paid/licensed users on your Miro team or you are referring to “physical” team members/colleagues?

-These members are licensed users on the Miro team account where I’m sharing the Miro board.

Why didn’t the other 2 members receive the invite to access the Miro board?


How are you sharing the board? When you mention “guest”, I assume you are using “Anyone with the link → Can edit”, are using the Copy board link button, and are then emailing the link, e.g.:


-I shared the board by clicking ‘Share’ on the top right of the board and entered the members’ email address in To:.


However, you used the word “invite”, so are you trying to add the users to the board as follows?
-Yes this is how I sent the invitations for the members to access and edit the board.



If yes, then only paid/full licensed members of your Miro team where the boards is located can be added here, unless there are available licenses called “paid seats” available.


Also, the names of the 2 members who did not receive the email invitation for the Miro board are named as guest


If they did not receive an email invitation, how did they get on the board? Again, this sounds like you used “Anyone with the link → Can edit” and sent them a link. However, when you say “named as guest”, is this their board “role” or their “cursor”?

-I sent the board link to the 2 members who did not receive the email invitation.  When they accessed the link, I saw ‘Guest’ as their cursor instead of their name like the other 2 members who did receive the email invitation.  All 4 members have a Miro account.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • March 8, 2021

@Jozelle  - Thanks for the additional information. A few more questions:


#1 - What type of Miro plan are you on? (Team, Business, Consultant, or Enterprise?)

#2 - If all found members are a full license users on the same Team where the board is located, are you Sharing the board with them at the board level, i.e., by adding them in the Share window? The only reason I can think of is that the board’s Share settings may be as such that the whole Team cannot see the board because the Team access is set to something other than “Can edit”? E.g.:


#3 - Have you confirmed that the two people who are accessing the board with “Guest” by their cursor are in fact members of your Team? You would do this as follows:

First, confirm the team where the board is located by opening the board and clicking on the board’s title - this will show you the team name - e.g., my team name is TEST TEAM:


Next, from your dashboard, make sure you have selected that team and then click on the Team prfofile settings button:


Then click on Active users where you should see all team members and their email addresses:


The fact that the two users in question showed “Guest” by their cursor is in indication that they were not signed into their Miro account when they clicked on the link ad therefore the board is configured as follows:


  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • March 9, 2021

@Robert Johnson - Thanks again for your efforts in helping me.  The name of all team members are now visible in the cursor.  The 2 team members who did not receive the invite updated their names in setting.  Have a great week! 
