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Delphi Method

  • February 18, 2021
  • 2 replies

We need to run a live Delphi session where experts' anonymous answers to questions are then presented back to them to be ranked, multiple times? Can Miro do this please? Cheers

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • February 18, 2021

@Louis Coiffait -

The challenge with running a true Wideband Delphi approach in Miro is that objects created by someone are associated with their user name. If you use the Anonymous Guest Editor access method and each participant remains anonymous (e.g. they don’t reveal that “Guest Architect” is really Bob Smith), then they could individually enter ideas into a shared area.

If you wanted the submission to be simultaneous so there is no anchoring bias introduced based on which ideas were entered first, you could either use Miro’s Bulk Mode for sticky notes creation with the facilitator requesting everyone to submit their batch of ideas at the same time or participants could work on separate boards and the facilitator could ask them to copy & paste their sticky notes all at the same time to a common shared board.


Thanks Kiron, I was hoping for a less manual ‘poll then rank’ approach, with discussion between to agree definitions, rather than something more manual with post-its.


We also have the issue of lots of diff. participants from different govt depts and universities, all with different IT restrictions, so anything that doesn’t require signing in / an account is easier.


I’m reviewing Miro, Mural, XLeap/Meetingsphere, LucidSpark, Slido, Mentimetre, GJamboard, and GForms - with some manual fix using the latter properly the frontrunner.
