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Google Calendar & Miro Mind Map Integration?

  • January 11, 2021
  • 4 replies

  • Beginner
  • 1 reply



Is it possible to make Miro nodes behave like task nodes and have these integrate with Google Calendar such as they appear in Google Calendar as events for the purpose of scheduling. Needs to be 2-way like ToDoist, so editing the event in Calendar updates the node in Miro.


Is this possible?





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4 replies

Anton Kuksin

Hey @EdB,

I’m Anton. Integrations Product Manager at Miro. Thank you for the idea.

This is an interesting request, but at the same time, it is quite specific.
We are not planning such improvements on our side yet in the near future.

At the same time, I think this kind of enhancement could be done with the Miro Platform if you decide to do so.




  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 1 reply
  • January 13, 2021

Hi Anton,

Thank you for your reply.

Can you explain this more further “At the same time, I think this kind of enhancement could be done with the Miro Platform if you decide to do so.” This implies I can do the enhancement. I am puzzled… 

The background to this is that mind mapping can be very useful mapping out work especially if part of a bigger goal. Many of us are visual in our problem solving, so Mind Mapping is ideal. So scheduling tasks is a natural progression. Also I think GANTT views are important, as this creates the longer term time context. Mind Mappers such as MindMeister, XMind, Mindomo, Ayoa all do this to some degree. Another aspect to this maybe is via Notion, since Indify can pick up Notion calendars into Google Calendar. There is also Zapier of course.

Keep up the good work and keep well,



I Got exactly the same idea as @EdB, and that's why I ended up in this thread by google search! Please make a Miro to Google calendar integration that would be awesome! Anton, are there any way to display projects and project progress bar in Miro, and then visualize an overview over all the projects in a large mind map? @Anton Kuksin 


Kind regards Marius




Anton Kuksin wrote:

​​​This is an interesting request, but at the same time, it is quite specific.
We are not planning such improvements on our side yet in the near future.

At the same time, I think this kind of enhancement could be done with the Miro Platform if you decide to do so.



Hi Anton, I see schedule management as a high-level strategic function, rather than being “specific”. 

Miro has half the functionality built, within the Date fields in Cards. We need to track these dates, to assure our projects are completed on time. Integrating the Miro Date functionality with Google Calendar would provide a great user experience. Otherwise, we need to open each card every day, one at a time, which is arduous.

If you are not able to achieve this with Google, then having a Schedule reminder tool within Miro would also be a great asset, to keep your users in the Miro ecosystem.

Thank you!

Mark Mastman
