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Selling Miro (Consultant & Educator)

  • November 17, 2020
  • 5 replies

As a consultant i want to be able to create a Miro board, then sell each separate board (one off) to my clients. They can buy it and run it independently (with instructions on the board) AND OR engage me as a consultant. How can I set up a process to allow them to buy a board (automated)? At the moment I have to use a third party Learning Management System, then when they buy the program, I have to see this, create a new board / link and send it to them? there should be an easier way - EVEN if Miro wants to take a small percentage (management fee!!!!)  I don't want to sell a template. I want to only sell a single board to be used once by one team. 

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • November 18, 2020

@Gaia Grant - Some options:

1) Use a Digital Download Platform Service

Someone pays you money, then they are sent a download link where they can download a copy of the board in .rtb format. However, this doesn’t stop the board from being “used once by one team”. They would also need to have a paid Miro plan to import/restore the .rtb file into their account.

Example → 4 Platforms to Sell Digital Downloads, Subscriptions


2) Paid access to a board in your account

Sell them access to a board that is in your paid account that is in public edit mode with a password and has the Board Content Copy Permissions set in a manner that stops them from copying the content out of the board. 


3) Explore using the Miro Developer Platform to automate some sort of board creation process

You could explore paying a developer to build you a system that would use Miro’s REST API to integrate with a payment platform - I am not even going to speculate on the possibilities - a design team would need to guide you through the process of what this could look like.

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  • May 7, 2021

At the moment here is what we do.

  1. a leader can enrol in a course on our learning management system (Thinkific). They pay for the course. They get more than just a miro board. They also get videos, workbook, pre reading etc. However the main focus is on them using the miroboard we have created to have a discussion on the topic / course.
  2. when we see they have bought the course - we create /copy our master board to a new board and send them the ULR. We explain that its for single use with one team. 
  3. they play this on a browser and they cant copy the content (which is fantastic)
  4. They dont need to sign in, create a miro account or give up privacy. BUT this should be seen as a great tool for poeple to be safely introduced to Miro (as many potential new customers always stop when asked for data). They will be much more likely to jion Miro once they see it work in action. 
  5. Its a bit cluncky and not automated as we have to generate a new URL and monitor multiple use. But at least we control the IP and they cant copy it (permissions turned off).
  6. however it seems a sad missed opportunity for Miro who could facilitate this process, more automated and take a commission for every sale. 
  7. as times are tough we recomend a commission rather than upping the board owners subscription plan. 
  8. This is  a big WIN WIN so come on Miro - add this option. 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • May 7, 2021

@Gaia Grant - Thanks for popping back here to update us on your process.

It’s worth noting for other readers that in step #3 above, you can block the copying of content/duplication of the board by following the steps in the Board Content Settings Help Center article.

Automating the creation of a new board (from a master board)

A few months ago a colleague explained how they made 150+ boards for a large online conference using the Zapier + Google Sheets app They were able to enter a row in a Google Sheet that automatically created a duplicate of a board in their account, and set the permissions - I think it may even be able to automate emailing a link to the board. Anyway, perhaps this is worth exploring if you want to explore further automation. 

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  • September 20, 2023
Robert Johnson wrote:

@Gaia Grant - Thanks for popping back here to update us on your process.

It’s worth noting for other readers that in step #3 above, you can block the copying of content/duplication of the board by following the steps in the Board Content Settings Help Center article.

Automating the creation of a new board (from a master board)

A few months ago a colleague explained how they made 150+ boards for a large online conference using the Zapier + Google Sheets app They were able to enter a row in a Google Sheet that automatically created a duplicate of a board in their account, and set the permissions - I think it may even be able to automate emailing a link to the board. Anyway, perhaps this is worth exploring if you want to explore further automation. 

Hey @Robert Johnson! I’m really interested in the way Zapier was used to automate the duplication of a Miro board by connecting it to Sheets. Would you mind giving me more context of the steps or even connecting me to that colleague? We are interested in doing the same thing. It would be very helpful.

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7246 replies
  • September 20, 2023

@Sara Digné -

Hey @Robert Johnson! I’m really interested in the way Zapier was used to automate the duplication of a Miro board by connecting it to Sheets. Would you mind giving me more context of the steps or even connecting me to that colleague? We are interested in doing the same thing. It would be very helpful.

I have never done this myself. All I can suggest is that you review the links I shared and/or ask someone with integration-app experience to join you.
