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Saving to Google-Drive with FREE Version

  • November 9, 2020
  • 4 replies

Wish to save my miro board to google-drive, though google drive is not showing on my export button as an option. Is it not available with the free version?

Best answer by Robert Johnson

@Simone von Graffenried - You will first need to install the Google Drive app for your team. Once this is done the Save to Google Drive option will appear in the export this board action beside the board name.

However, I should note that this will not actually export the board to your Google Drive. It simple makes a link in your Google Drive that, when double-clicked, opens the board in Miro. It is just a shortcut and is misleading. Read more in the Board Export Help Center article.

When I finally tried this feature and realized that it was only creating a link, I was confused and disappointed. When you said you couldn’t find it, I was almost happy thinking Miro finally canned it.

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • Answer
  • November 9, 2020

@Simone von Graffenried - You will first need to install the Google Drive app for your team. Once this is done the Save to Google Drive option will appear in the export this board action beside the board name.

However, I should note that this will not actually export the board to your Google Drive. It simple makes a link in your Google Drive that, when double-clicked, opens the board in Miro. It is just a shortcut and is misleading. Read more in the Board Export Help Center article.

When I finally tried this feature and realized that it was only creating a link, I was confused and disappointed. When you said you couldn’t find it, I was almost happy thinking Miro finally canned it.

Hi @Robert Johnson thanks for your input. I did not install the app and yes can see the command “save to google dirve” but I then get a message that I do not have the permission to save to Google Drive. 

Do you know what I need to do next? I daily upload files to google drive and am not aware of restrictions that I normally have with Google Drive within our infrastructure. 

Saving to google drive: yes I note that it only provides a link; we would therefore keep a register of our Miro boards in Miro but by creating a link in Google Drive all staff can access and the links put into our Miro Boards (to foto galleries or specific documents etc. ) would stay active. This is the issue now; when I save a pdf of my miro board, these links go passive. 

Thanks if you can guide me through this permission issue. 


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • November 9, 2020

@Simone von Graffenried - When you try to export a board to Google Drive for the first time, it should be prompting you to choose the Google account to use.

Maybe first trying using the upload feature and select Google Drive:

This should prompt you to select a Google account to connect to:

NOTE: Miro used to be called RealtimeBoard.

If you are trying to connect a Google Drive account that is a Google G Suite/Workplace account, you will need to contact your Google account administrator.

@Robert Johnson Hi Robert, I still have issues saving to google drive. the functionality now is there from a miro / exporting prespective but I get a message that I do not have the permission to save to google drive. I shall ask internally about our google g suite arrangement and perhaps the setting there needs to be adjusted for me or I get it tested by my founder first. Thanks in any event!