When I try to upload a .jpg to my board (Consultant license) I get a circle with a line through it. Once, it looked as if it was uploading something, as the circle started to fill in. Then it stalled. other times I get the circle/line thing, and then POOF it just disappears.
I have tried to both upload using the toolbar upload and just drag and drop from my desktop (recommended in an article.) but nope!
Best answer by Robert Johnson
Value Added Resellers, each with their own license and businesses
@dlamark67 - Do you mean Miro license? As in, they have a paid Miro plan? Because you a paid plan (Consultant), you can export your boards as .rtb files using the board backup feature - see the Board Export help article. And then anyone with a paid Miro plan can import the board into their Miro team. Would this work for you?
I should mention that the screenshot from my first reply was the what happened when I used the upload → Upload via url option for the following 49 MB image file:
Thank you. My situation is that I have written a training class that uses a Miro Board set up specific to the activity in the course. Now I’m creating Train the Trainer for getting the board set up. It’s pretty tedious. I was hoping that they could upload an image of the board and use it to then copy using Miro stickies, shapes etc.
I’m doing this because Miro doesn’t let me export a board, share it with someone who is not on my team (these are Value Added Resellers, each with their own license and businesses) Any ideas to make this not such a daunting task?
Value Added Resellers, each with their own license and businesses
@dlamark67 - Do you mean Miro license? As in, they have a paid Miro plan? Because you a paid plan (Consultant), you can export your boards as .rtb files using the board backup feature - see the Board Export help article. And then anyone with a paid Miro plan can import the board into their Miro team. Would this work for you?
It would! But how do I get that file to them? I’ve tried to copy it and upload it into Slack, or just add it to an email, but all that copies is the title of the RTB file. It would be GREAT if we could send this file and they could upload it. I tried it myself and it works beautifully I’m just stumped by how to get it to them.
If your sending/their receiving email servers are blocking .rtb files, you would try zipping it first, or you could use Google Drive or OneDrive or Dropbox?