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How do I find elements on my board?

  • December 3, 2024
  • 1 reply

I have a board which I am trying to add to  but keep loosing all the bits. When I scan out it doesn’t really help and I still can’t see them. Is there a way to go to them? A shortcut or the like…

[frustrated user]

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  • Mironeer
  • 1728 replies
  • December 4, 2024

Hi ​@Mary-Jane Duffy,


Thanks for reaching out! Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out together! 😊


Could you clarify a few things so we can narrow it down?

  1. Are you adding content using copy-paste, uploading files, or creating items (like sticky notes or shapes) directly on the board?
  2. When you say "losing all the bits," do you mean the content disappears entirely, or you can’t locate where it’s positioned on the board?
  3. Do you recall moving or zooming the board to a different section before the content seemed to go missing?
  4. Have you tried using Cmd+F / Ctrl+F to search for specific content or keywords on your board?

Let us know! Once we have more details, we’ll provide tailored steps or tips.
