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Dynamic Frames across boards?

Hi! I wanted to know if there’s a way where a frame on one board is dynamically updated onto a different board?

Instead of copying a board, is it possible to embed it or any other alternative that shows an accurate portrayal in time? Ex: the way figma has compononets, in the same way can there be derivates of a frame across different boards?

With scale and volume, change management is getting trickier. We have a source of truth area on a board, and we refer to that constantly. We have some other boards that are new modules/features that have some related dependencies and we’d like to have related information together, without necessarily edit rights. 


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Kenneth Ritley

HI @Abhijeeta 

I don’t know if I can answer your question - but what you CAN do is embed a board within a board. In other words, first get the LINK to a board, then just cut-and-paste this link into a different board.

Sadly, you can’t see the embedded board - but with just a click, that board will pop up. That won’t solve your problem - but maybe it is more usable than how you are doing it now?

Cheers, Ken

  • Mironeer
  • 922 replies
  • June 28, 2024

hi @Abhijeeta 

Unfortunately, this isn’t available yet but this request has come up before. You can vote for this feature in this Wish List post. 
