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Anyone using Miro & Jira together found how to generate team metrics?

Just wondering if anyone has found any nice workarounds for this, as we’re hoping we’re not the only once who have tried this!

Background: We’ve been using a hybrid setup for our software development teams for a few years: Miro for visualising our kanban boards and status of work items, and Jira to hold the details for each user story/task as it’s developed. We use the Jira Cards feature to create Jira cards from Miro. This gives us the benefits of Miro’s flexibility and Jira’s integration with developer tools. We’re using simple Miro tables to design our boards rather than the specific Kanban or Planner tools right now because it’s given us the most flexibility when desigining boards.

Problem: Data! We have no way of automatically collecting data for metrics because the Miro board tells us the status of a card from its position in the table/board, not the Jira status field, so Miro is effectively just a picture on a screen and not data-driven. That means we’re blind to when work started on a card, when/where it got held up, when it finished etc etc. and have no insights through metrics. But we’re keen to keep the things we like in Miro, like adding stickies or multiple avatars to cards, flexible board layout and so on, so going back to Jira completely isn’t something we’re keen to do just for the sake of metrics.

Question: Is anybody using Miro for team work tracking and has been able to generate metrics (specifically cycle time, aging chart, throughput) either via Jira, or has captured and extracted data in a way that can be used to manually generate metrics?


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