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Text in mind map nodes

  • May 21, 2024
  • 1 reply

How do i increae the text in the mind map itself. 

So the nodes how do i increase the text 

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7270 replies
  • May 21, 2024

@4duncan12 - Hello and welcome to the Community!

How do i increae the text in the mind map itself. 

If you are referring to the font size, this is adjusted from the root node, which in turn controls the font size for the entire map. More on this here.

Formatting mind map elements

You can choose the style for your mind map (the nodes can either use curved or straight lines) and change the orientation. And if you want your mind map to look colorful and bright, use Randomize tool.

changing_mind_map.gifStyle of your mind map

Since the main component of every mind map is text, you can apply different text styling options in its shortened version. Please note that to preserve the visual consistency of the mind map, changing the text size in the parent node will affect the whole mind map.
