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the owner of the board lose access to it

  • December 25, 2023
  • 1 reply

Friends, help me figure it out. I am the owner of the board. I logged in, changed the access settings for the team to the viewers. And he lost access himself! Now I can't work with the board. Although, I repeat, I am the owner of the board.

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • December 25, 2023

@Pavel128 - If you changed the Team access and can no longer edit the board, then you are not signed in with the Miro account profile that owns the board.

When you sign in to Miro and look at the board in the dashboard (in “list” view), who is showing as the owner?

For example, I have multiple Miro account profiles using multiple email addresses. Two of these account profiles are members of this team. When I sign in with one of the addresses, I show as the owner of one of the boards. But, if I were to sign in as the other address, I would show as the owner, i.e., “Me”, for the other boards.

