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Other people creating boards in my account


I signed into my free account yesterday and see boards other people created in there.I cannot delete their boards because I am not the board owner. Several people have told me when they log into Miro they are defaulting to my account. How can this be resolved? 

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • October 13, 2023

@Michele Ronsen - You will have to remove/delete the users from your team. As you delete users, you will be prompted if you want to take ownership of their boards or just delete them - it’s up to you. Note: Those uses will, of course, lose the boards.

Instructions on deleting users here:

You should also note that, the only way you can collaborate with others on boards that are in a Free Plan is to make them a member of your team.

For example:




How is it that someone on my team can create their own boards? I only invite specific people to specific boards. I also learned that people on my team can see ALL of my boards, not just the boards they were invited to. Please help!

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • October 13, 2023

As I mentioned before, if you "add someone to a board" that is in a Free Plan team, they become full team members. This is how the Free Plan team works. 

There is also no "private boards" in a Free Plan. You can read more about this here:


If you want to create boards and work on them with others in your Free Plan team, i.e., without paying for a plan, then those you are trying to work in boards witth will need to be members of the same team.

The alternative is to pay for a plan, e.g., Starter Plan @ $10 USD monthly ($8 if paid annually) and then use the Visitors feature to work on boards with non-team members (and with the Visitors feature, those other users don't even need to have a Miro account). More on the Visitors feature here:


If you pay for a Business Plan Plan @ $20/month ($16 paid annually), then you could use the Guests feature which allows you to add users to a board, and with different permissions for each user, e.g., Bob amcan Edit, but Jack can only view.

And because Guests are truly added at the board level only, they cannot create or see any boards in your team.

More on the Guests feature here:

Compare Members, Visitors, and Guests here:


WOW. How do I switch to the education plan so some of my boards be designated remain private? How can I update the permissions so only certain people can see specific boards? TY FOR YOUR HELP! BTW, This is not clear at all. I have been using Miro for years to teach and never knew this. 

And why are people logging into my Miro account on default and not prompted which Miro account they want to log into? 

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • October 13, 2023

You're welcome! Yes, Miro's team/model takes some getting used to.

Students and Teachers of qualifying educational institutions can apply for an Education Plan here:

Paid or Education Plan users can use Projects to act as permission groups. More on this here:


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • October 13, 2023
Michele Ronsen wrote:

And why are people logging into my Miro account on default and not prompted which Miro account they want to log into? 

The list of teams/workspaces a user belongs to can be seen on the left of the Miro dahsboard:, e.g.:


Whenever you come back to Miro, you will be in tltr/space you last visited and will have to select another one.

If the people you invited to Miro did not have already have a Miro account, then yours will be the only team they will be a member of/see in their dashboard. 

They will not be able to create their own team. But, they could leave your team, or you could delete them - as soon as either happens, and Miro sees they are no longer a member of any team, they will be promoted to create their own Free Plan team. 


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • October 13, 2023

If you chose to upgrade to a paid plan, you will need to pay for a seat for every user who is currently a member of your Free Plan team. So, another option here is to create a new (paid) team for just yourself, and move your boards to the new team. Then, you could could just leave the old free plan team and let all of those others sort out the mess haha

Here's how you would create a new (paid) team:


How to leave a team:

