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When downloading file name gets messed up

  • September 15, 2023
  • 0 replies

Hello! I’ve been using Miro for years and love it. However 2 weeks ago I’ve started to encounter an issue with my file name getting messed up when exporting my board as a PDF.

In the past, the exported file name would be identical to the board name. It was easy. However now, the file name gets morphed with extra characters. It appears that any space in the board name now becomes “%20” in the file name. This is a real nuisance because I need to now rename every board I export (which I need to do almost daily).


For example:

If I name a board: AB - September 14, 2023

The exported pdf file name now becomes: AB%20-%20September%2014%2C%202023


Please advise! What can I do to fix this?

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