@Robert Johnson Thanks! You hit the nail on the head. I have a personal account and an enterprise account. Unfortunately, the AI is associated with my personal account. I’m in the process of cancelling it because I don’t need it. I’m probably complicating them because both accounts use the same email address.
I clicked the e-mail invitation link, and I got the message (pop-up invitation) when cretaing a MIRO Board. Unfortunately I was working in one free-team that I am co-active in (free version) In there it works but when I changed to my own Business-account- Team(!) I wasnt able to activate it and thats very inconvinient.
Is there any way to move the AI-beta from one “team” to another?
Thanks for sharing this question @John Faig ! We’ve made some updates to Miro Assist that I think you might find helpful here and can’t wait to share more with you soon!
To learn more about this feature and all other Miro product updates, join us on March 13 or 14, for ourWhat’s New Product Webinar. You’ll hear directly from our Product Marketing team about how you can use these features to just make work, flow!