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Boards unable to be shared with non MIRO users without being prompted for log in

As of today (2023-04-04) something has changed for when we send MIRO board links to users who do not have a MIRO account

Previously they could view or edit boards (dependent on link access) without a MIRO account

Now MIRO is prompting them to sign in prior to viewing the board

Is this a known change? We are on the Enterprise plan and is breaking a few workflows on our end


I know only see this below which requires the person to have a paid miro account rather than anyone with the link


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2 replies

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • April 4, 2023

@Michael Tansini - The first place to start here would be with the Company Admin of your Miro Enterprise Plan as they have the ability to disable/enable Visitor access via a Sharing Policy.

From what you are showing us in your screenshot, it looks like they may have disabled Visitorsl/public access.

More on this here:


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7275 replies
  • April 27, 2023

@Michael Tansini - I just noticed that you are not setting the Public/Visitors option to “Can view” - you have set the Company level option, so that anyone in your Enterprise Plan can view the board.

You will need to contact your Miro installation’s Company Admin to request that they enable public sharing - more on this here:
