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As of MARCH 2023, what's your Favorite Template of Tutorials to OnBoard new Workshop Participants?

I’m looking for a small collection of the absolutely most up-to-date tutorials that I can provide for workshop attendees who are brand new to Miro. Wish list:

  • -Small collection, focused on participant skills (rather than creation skills). Goal is to maximize enjoyment and minimize their panic LOL
  • -Should not take more than 10-15 minutes to complete the instruction portion. 
  • -Hopefully offers an opportunity for the user to try each skill. 
  • -Hopefully has a separate “playground” of sorts where they can further practice. (I’ve used the obstacle course in the past). 
  • This will be offered to them as “homework” prior to the actual workshop. 

I was considering these: and

Any advice? Anyone out there create a template that they adore for this purpose?   

Thanks in advance, Anne

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