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Can external links open a new tab in my browser instead of new window?


When I add external links they always open in a new window (with no toolbar). Could they open instead in a new tab in my browser? That would make it a lot more user friendly. 

Thanks in advance,


Best answer by Polina Gilad

Hi @Kiron Bondale thanks for the quick reply. Now that you mentioned it, I asked another friend and he has the same experience with links on Miro. I am also using chrome, but on Mac. It must be something with my Chrome settings, although so far it happens only with Miro, which is strange..


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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • June 24, 2020

@Polina Gilad -

How are you accessing Miro as when I click on a URL in a text box using Miro via Google Chrome on my Windows PC, it does open the web page in a new tab. The same happens when I click on the link accessing the board from the desktop app.


Hi @Kiron Bondale thanks for the quick reply. Now that you mentioned it, I asked another friend and he has the same experience with links on Miro. I am also using chrome, but on Mac. It must be something with my Chrome settings, although so far it happens only with Miro, which is strange..


  • Beginner
  • July 2, 2020
Kiron Bondale wrote:

@Polina Gilad -

How are you accessing Miro as when I click on a URL in a text box using Miro via Google Chrome on my Windows PC, it does open the web page in a new tab. The same happens when I click on the link accessing the board from the desktop app.


Thanks for your reply. Do you know if there is any support for Deep/Dynamic links? From the Miro Desktop App or Miro App I would like to add a link to a board pointing to another board and when this link is clicked it would open a new tab and not direct me to the browser. IMHO, Miro should have support Deep Links when using the App. 

  • Beginner
  • July 2, 2020
Leo wrote:

Thanks for your reply. Do you know if there is any support for Deep/Dynamic links? From the Miro Desktop App or Miro App I would like to add a link to a board pointing to another board and when this link is clicked it would open a new tab and not direct me to the browser. IMHO, Miro should have support Deep Links when using the App. 

Using this feature/approach is enough and solves the problem. The link will the correctly open a new tab within Miro App if pointing to another board.
