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Newbie questions

I am new to Miro and am hoping that I can do with it what I want. It appears to be way more functional than Google Jamboard, which is what I want. 

My hope is to create a different team for each of my high school classes.  When I upgraded to the starter I thought I would be able to create more teams. When I did this the original team is still on the free version and the new team is on the paid version.  When I tried to add one more team it prompted me to pay again.  What am I missing?

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • January 11, 2023

@Meredith Smith - Welcome to Miro and the Community!

Only the Business and Enterprise Plans offer the availability to create unlimited teams spaces.

If you stay with the Starter Plan, you could use Projects to organize classes - more on this in this post:

Business Plan

If you're willing to upgrade to this plan, you could create unlimited team spaces and also have the ability to invite other registered Miro users (they just need a Free Plan account) to any boards in your team as Guests. This is different than Visitors access. With the Business Plan, you also get access to some other features like additional diagramming packs and soon to be released features like Smart Meeting and Breakout Rooms.


How do you plan on using Miro with your classes? Wait .. if you are a teacher at an accredited educational institution, you can apply for and receive a 100 member Education Plan team for free, for life! Check this out:


Adrien Painturier

Hello @Meredith Smith,

Welcome to the community indeed ! 

If you are on the Educator Plan, here is what you are entitled to : 

Concerning you multiple teams configuration, why not, instead managing your different classes as “Projects” within the same team ? 😀


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • January 11, 2023

@Meredith Smith - If your Education Plan application is approved, I suggest that you read the first post I shared with you about configuring the plan for use of Projects with multiple classes. One of the first things it talks about it the post is setting the default Board and Project permissions so that only the person creating them can access/see them - if they want to share with other users, they can change the permissions to allow for it.

This is important when you imagine adding, say, 20 users /members to your plan. If they each created 5 boards, now you will see 100 boards in your dashboard by default, which can get quite messy.