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Can't download a board

  • December 12, 2022
  • 7 replies


Hello! I can’t download one of my boards, so I can't use it. It’s been all day long. Can you help me?

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7 replies

Mira Balani
  • Mironeer
  • 30 replies
  • December 12, 2022

Hello Lidiia, 

Sorry to know that you are bumping into issues while trying to download one of your boards. We can certainly help you. As a start, can you please provide more information or screenshots about the problem? Do you get any error or do you not see the export icon or the download option at all? Please provide as much details as you can about this so that we can look into it and help you with the issue. 


Thanks and have a good one.


Your friendly developer advocate,




Thank you!
Well, I have this problem only with one of my board. Others work correctly.
I open the board and I sea nothing but this (attached the screenshort), then I see an error and its code is 5. 
It’s been 2 day and I really need this board to work.


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • December 13, 2022

@Lidiia Gogoleva -

Since the issue is with only one board but others are working properly, could you try duplicating it and see if you can open the duplicate board (



Oh! I can’t duplicate the board since I’m using a free version. (((

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • December 13, 2022

@Lidiia Gogoleva -

Unfortunately, the only other thing I could suggest is to try accessing it using a different method (e.g. desktop app, incognito browser) and see if that works. 


Let me chime in as well:  Using google meet on an Acer chromebook I was prompted by Meet to install/use the Miro extension (had been using Jamboard previously).  Upon initial entry everything worked great and I loved it but the second time (next day) I tried (found the extension in ‘activities’ section of Meet) but when I launched it I online I got a white page on the right of the meet screen.  Have tried relaunching multiple times with the same result.  Thoughts?

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7254 replies
  • December 13, 2022
Lidiia Gogoleva wrote:

Oh! I can’t duplicate the board since I’m using a free version. (((

Just to clarify, every team member on a Free Plan can duplicate any board in the team, regardless if they are the owner or not. This is possible because the board content copy permissions do not apply to the Free Plan.
