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New resources for storage, events, and collaborative apps in the Web SDK

William Bishop

Hey, developers!

We’re happy to share a couple of new resources you may find helpful when working with the Web SDK.

❓Some of you have had questions around events, and if there is a single page where you can find all events related to the Web SDK. Also, we've heard questions around what the difference is between metadata and storage, and when to use one over the other.

So we've created comparison tables you can use to help you decide which feature may best fit your use case.

Comparison tables:

👥 We've also created a guide on helping you understand collaborative experiences that can be built via the WebSDK.

These can be useful to create an app in which you want to emulate a workshop, or to create different experiences for a facilitator and their participants. Read our guide on how to build collaborative app experiences here:
Build Collaborative App Experiences

Miro Developer Platform Team

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