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Lock objects within a grid / table

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I am trying something different. Using a grid as a calendar, then layering a shapes on top to show every 3 months with different colors. Can’t manage to lock these shapes so they don’t move. As soon as I make the shape larger than the grid dimension, I can lock it. Keep it within the grid dimension and the lock option disappears. Any suggestions? 

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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • July 16, 2020

@michele bartoli -

Can you post a couple of screenshots showing the scenario where you are and are not able to lock the shapes as I’m not quite understanding the situation?



no lock opt with shape inside grid
lock opt now that shape is outside grid


BTW, I found a work around by shading the columns for the 3 months vs adding a layer over the top. However, it would still be nice to be able to lock objects that are sitting on a grid. :-)


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • July 16, 2020

@michele bartoli -

I’ve done some playing with this and the behavior is odd. If you transform the shape into a rectangular sticky note while it is on top of the grid, the lock tool appears, but not for any other shapes. 

@Lena Shenkarenko - any thoughts on this as I know you are actively collecting feedback on the grid control?


I am having the same issue.  I’d like to use a grid to organize my students’ groupwork by placing one PDF copy of the worksheet per grid square.  I want to lock the worksheets so students can’t move them around, but the lock disappears after I drag the PDF onto the table.  Advice would be great!

The ability to lock objects on a grid would be really helpful as I use a grid for swimlanes when mapping a process. After we have finished with a section of the process it would be nice to lock it down, but still allow additional objects, text, post-its to be added. Currently, any objects in or over a grid can not be locked.

I need this too. I’ve just created a set of large tables and entered lots of text and now can’t lock them for the planned workshop

One way around this if you have a table with text is to create a google sheet and imbed it into the board. Only those with access to the google doc will be able to edit. It’s a workaround, but good for the short term.

This is also something I’m finding quite frustrating.

I’m using a grid to organise my workspace into rows/columns and having group add comments via stickys in cells.  However I have image extracts at the top of each column for them to make comments on and not being able to lock these means I’ll no doubt have particpants accidently moving/deleting them.

I have made a grid. In that grid I placed text and sticky notes. I managed to lock the grid, but the objects on that grid can not be locked….. Does anyone have the answer for me how I can lock several items/objects on my grid?

Same wish - using grids as a table for course participants new to Miro to upload a photo and a stcky with some information. As people add things, I would like to be able to lock them ‘on top of’ the table, so that they do not get accidently moved or deleted by other people.

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • October 16, 2020

@Linda Boender -

I believe this is now a known issue with the grid control and is in the backlog for the Miro team. @Marina , can you confirm this?


Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • October 16, 2020

@Linda Boender - As @Kiron Bondale mentions, this may be in the Miro team’s product backlog to address. I believe this is a technical constraint due to the way Grids currently function. E.g., you cannot lock cell in a Grid, but you can lock the whole Grid itself. However, when a Grid is locked, you can still type in a Grid cell:


There is a bit of a workaround, but it would probably only make sense to do if you were also locked the Grid. You can move the Grid over top of your sticky and then lock the sticky (or move the Grid into plan over the pre-locked sticky):


Here’s the official Grid Feedback post if you’d like to add any comments:

Allen Smith

Grids are almost useless for me if I cannot lock them. Worse, even shapes that I put on top of a grid inherit this inability to be locked. 

Locking items in/on a grid is key when you’re creating large objects such as a Service Blueprint or Customer Journey Map. This prevents anyone accidentally moving elements in your map/blueprint by accident. With an Enterprise license, I don’t always get to control who within the company is able to access my boards and under what access rights. I’ve had blueprint and journey maps accidentally destroyed by people unfamiliar with how Miro works. Please create this feature as a priority

The workaround described above is not helpful for large blueprints and journey maps.

Jurjen Guichelaar

I'm currenlty making an integral lean-board for my company in Miro, because people are working at home and not everyone can physically see the board. I want to use the new feature tables, but I can't lock sticky notes which are in my table. Outside my table I can lock these sticky notes. I've also had lean-boards accidentally destroyed by people unfamilar with how Miro works. It would be nice if this could be fixed in the next update

Jurjen Guichelaar


You can't lock sticky notes in the table, which would be very nice if that's possible!

  • Beginner
  • December 1, 2021

Heck yes this should be available. I thought I was doing something wrong, but it was just MIRO functioning in an extremely inconsistent and weird way.

Thank you for this thread, I thought it’s me and my newcomer status not being able to lock sticky notes. Is there any update or possible solutions coming soon? I see this post started long ago…
It would indeed be a very useful function! 
Thank you!

Man, it must be delivered as soon as possible. ESSENTIAL

Hey team, are there any updates on this issue?

To add to this the ability to lock items on a grid would be incredibly useful for me in day to day work of creating calendars and planning out for the FY.

This is sorely needed. Process and swimlanes mapping becomes difficult without it. 

This is pretty annoying.  People who visit the board are inadvertently destroying my work.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment about this feature. We understand the frustration and appreciate your patience. Our team is reviewing this idea as it continues to be open for votes and comments.


For those coming across this idea, if you feel this would be helpful for you or your business, please be sure to vote for it and leave a comment about your use case to help our team scope this request!

Thank you,

Miro Community Team