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New! Announcing the Miro app for Meta Quest 2

  • December 22, 2021
  • 4 replies

Michelle Au Yeung


Hi Miro Community! We’ve got good news for you Oculus Quest users: Miro is now available in virtual reality as one of the first 2D panel apps for the Meta Quest 2. You can read more about our current app and try it out. 


With this first step into VR, we’re dreaming about all of the future possibilities of immersive collaboration and whiteboarding. ✨What excites you about the potential of Miro in virtual reality? Let us know where your imagination goes in the thread (or see the existing Miro in VR conversation happening in the community).


And, if you give our 2D app a whirl with your Meta Quest 2 headset, comment with a 👋 if you’re open to chatting with us about your experience and feedback.

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  • Group Leader
  • 31 replies
  • December 22, 2021

WOW - does this mean that my dream to have a VR project room is one step closer to reality?  


Kyle Chipman
  • Miro Hero
  • 78 replies
  • December 23, 2021

Oh, man, I have been pining to apply Miro functionality in three-dimensional space for years. Some reference materials first: a room-sized model built in physical space (with intended z-axis planes, marked up the walls) was translated to a board, both pictured below. I had always wanted these planes to slice through the objects on the floor, iterating some while omitting others, to more fully represent the tiers of operation through which information travels. In the current app, I’ve used a trick of approximating dimension and planes by attaching connection lines across vertices, per the gif below (there’s some artifacting present on the gif itself).

To more directly answer your question, Miro operating in three-dimensional space would significantly expand the opportunities to represent interaction and time. Rather than having branching pathways expand laterally that turn a board into a dense noodle-y web, dimension could be used with frame linking to take one in and out of interaction or effect. Cross-functional flow diagrams could become latticeworks of potential outcome and critical path. You could also capture contextual information in really interesting ways, kind of like mouseover tooltips but operating as fully fledged objects rather than text boxes. Oh, man, you could also introduce a tagging system, where applying tags to objects then selecting said tag affects opacity or luminescence (or whatever), highlighting specific objects while retaining contextual understanding to investigate those relationships in three-dimensional space. A whole bunch of neat possibilities!

We have an Index and a Quest at our Chicago office, but I’m in Michigan now and heading back to Chicago. I would totally pick up a Meta Quest 2 just to trial the 2D app in anticipation of a 3D version. I’d even brave the murky waters of having a Facebook / Meta account :)

Planes stacking along the wall intended to slice objects 


Board version of the room-size model pictured above


Connection lines creating dimension by connecting object vertices


Cross-functional flow diagram that would benefit from dimension, representing both interaction and reference objects / images


Simon Dreyer

Hi, love that you’ve finally gotten Miro onto the Quest 2. I’m having trouble to find any tutorials on hot to actually navigate, zoom and write text, so I not able to use it how i want. Are there any documentation or tutorials out there?

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • May 4, 2022

Dear Miro Devs, I love your tool, but I must say that you COMPLETELY missed the point with VR.

I have been envisioning to sketch out ideas for years now and use TiltBrush. I can advise you on the correct use of Miro in VR, Contact me via email if interested:

Best wishes