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Make just the width of a sticky adjustable

Alan Heckman
Alessandra Filippetti
Richard Kasperowski
  • Alan Heckman
    Alan Heckman
  • M. L.
  • jtk
  • Alessandra Filippetti
    Alessandra Filippetti
  • Richard Kasperowski
    Richard Kasperowski
  • Rob Jones
  • Marla
  • Guilherme Toledo França
    Guilherme Toledo França
  • Pedro Silva
    Pedro Silva
  • Paul Crick
  • capergirl
  • Irisa Arsi

I would like to be able to adjust just the width of a sticky, without adjusting its height and text size as well. 

I love the stickies, but find that organizing them and making them readable once they have been submitted is challenging because the text wrapping often makes splits words and wraps them over two lines. Adjusting the size of the sticky to fix the text wrapping often then results in stickies of a variety of sizes, and therefore different font sizes, that makes it difficult to read all of the stickies at a common level of zoom.

Therefore I am seeking a solution that would fix the text wrapping or make the arrangement of stickies more flexible via more resizing options, to increase the readability and aesthetic appeal of stickies.

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