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Add tags and filtering to mind map

  • September 13, 2023
  • 9 replies


Hey! I would love to see tags added to the mind map nodes. At our Lab, we use mind map to structure our user tests process, from the research questions, the test objectives, to the methods and tools, but also to gather and analyze data. And we use tags to indicate many different things: methods or tools we’ll use to look into a specific questions, link participants number to a finding, indicate the level of importance of a finding, etc. And the filtering of those tags is also helpful, for. ex is we want to see what research question will be covered by which method, or to see what feedback a precise participant or group of participants have shared. Right now, we are using MindManager but it won’t be supported by our studio anymore. And anyway, we’d prefer to use a collaborative tool. The only thing stopping us to move to Miro (for mind map) is this absence of tagging/filtering system.  

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9 replies


Hello Annie,


Indeed, we currently do not support adding tags to the mind map nodes in Miro, and it’s not expected to be added any time soon.


That said, as an alternative approach, you could try filtering various nodes by adding tag-like structures in the nodes’ text itself -


Listen to Annie, it’s a feature coming from your users, you should ear it, plan it, prioritize it accordingly, even we are only 2 to push it in this forum, that doesn’t mean there are not plenty of other users with the same need. Knowledge is the new gold and the way we make expertise is changing right now (genAI etc). You should reconsider this way of filtering nodes.

Alexandre Durand-Chabert wrote:

Listen to Annie, it’s a feature coming from your users, you should ear it, plan it, prioritize it accordingly, even we are only 2 to push it in this forum, that doesn’t mean there are not plenty of other users with the same need. Knowledge is the new gold and the way we make expertise is changing right now (genAI etc). You should reconsider this way of filtering nodes.


+1 key funct. missing & also makes the product less uniform (ie tags not supported everywhere)

I agree - this would be an amazing feature that would really help my PhD research! I’m developing a mind map for my literature review and it would be incredibly useful to be able to tag concepts against journal articles - rather than duplicate nodes for each article. 

  • Mironeer
  • 1665 replies
  • August 31, 2024

Hi everyone,


Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on this feature! We appreciate your detailed feedback.


To ensure your suggestions are seen by our team, I encourage you to upvote and add your comments to the existing wishlist for this feature here. Let us know how tags and filtering would benefit your specific use cases. Your input is important in helping our team prioritize new features.


Thanks again for contributing to the community!

  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • September 23, 2024

YEs we need tags filtering!!

I’m using an alternative solution now that does have tags:

It also has different views, so you can filter by the tags if you like, which is very useful! 

  • Mironeer
  • 1665 replies
  • September 25, 2024

Hi @Dima369,


Thank you for continuing to share your feedback and ideas on this feature! We understand how valuable tags and filtering within mind maps would be for various use cases, from PhD research to structuring user tests and data analysis.


Hi @Kieran Morgan,


Thank you for sharing your experience and the alternative solution you're using!


To make sure your suggestions are seen by our product team, I encourage you all to upvote and add your detailed comments to the wishlist here.


Laslty, if you’re interested in learning more about some of Miro’s biggest product updates that may be relevant to your use case, save your spot here at our Canvas ‘24 event happening October 8th. Please let me know if you have any additional questions – happy to help!
