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GitLab Integration

Our team uses GitLab and I would like to see an integration with it like there is already for Jira (Cards)

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  • New Here
  • 1 reply
  • January 21, 2021

Our team uses self-managed version of gitlab, and I want some integration functionality of miro card with gitlab issues.

Christophe GESCHÉ

How it’s possible a “generic” interface ?

why ?  

To be able to create template  of plugin “agnostic” of the linked ticket system 

GitLab x Miro

I’d like to add to this discussion, by describing the specific feature we need with GitLab x Miro.

Our Situation / How we use Miro with GitLab?

Miro helps us by having a graphical overview of our GitLab issues and how everything slots in together, when working on a bigger project. We create a graphical view, where one issue/milestone/epic is a card on the miro dashboard and gets connected to other issue/milestone/epic-cards, where each connection is a dependency on one or multiple previous issues. Each card is then linked towards the specific GitLab-Link.

With this in mind, we create a flow from left to right. We then start to work on the most left cards and mark our progress on the miro-cards and arrows, connecting the miro-cards. We do work/communicate mainly in GitLab and then update the progress manually in Miro.

The overview in Miro helps our team to know, what milestones to expect and what other people are working on.

You could say, that Miro is a good project management tool in certain aspects, since it adds a lot of geographical features, which classical project management tools lack of. One of the benefits when working in Miro is the ability to collaborate with all team members.

Our Problem / What is the current limit?

Linking GitLab x Miro

When currently pasting a GitLab link into Miro, we get a generic card with no information, since our GitLab-Instance is self-hosted and not publicly available.  So currently it would look like this.

This adds no information. Our current workaround provides that we link the card to the specific GitLab-target. So it looks like this:


This is great, because we can jump to the GitLab Issue form our Miro dashboard. All in all, this works for us but adds manual effort, to connect GitLab x Miro.


Syncing GitLab x Miro

A change inside GitLab (e.g. status of the issue, assigned person, title of the issue) has to be manually adjusted inside Miro. This is also the case, when initialy creating the card.

It would be awesome, when there would be an automatic sync between GitLab x Miro. So lets say somebody changes the title of the issue. Then this gets automatically updated inside the corresponding Miro-Card.

This would also be true for the assigned person, the status of the issue and so on.


Expected Workflow with GitLab x Miro

After our proposal has been added to Miro, this should be our workflow:

  1. Connect GitLab to Miro by providing an API-Key from Gitlab
  2. After Copy & Paste GitLab Link to Miro-Dashboard we will see a Miro-Card with Detailinformation about the GitLab-Source. We would see the issue-title, assigned person, status of the issue (open,closed) and the latest changes.
  3. We would then connect and position multiple Miro-Cards manually or would get a proposal, what Issue to add to an existing Miro-Card

Hope this adds some value to the discussion and reopens the discussion, since I believe there is some value in integrating GitLab x Miro. 

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • November 4, 2022

The short version: We consider to use GitLab for roadmaps, backlog and sprint management, just as we do today with Jira. So, implementing similar functionality in Miro for GitLab integration as we currently have for Jira would be very helpful.

Bo Bøgvald wrote:

The short version: We consider to use GitLab for roadmaps, backlog and sprint management, just as we do today with Jira. So, implementing similar functionality in Miro for GitLab integration as we currently have for Jira would be very helpful.

Can you post a screenshot of the current Jira-Integration in Miro? How does it look?

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • November 4, 2022

@Dominik Vogt , I suggest you take a look at this blog post: It will tell you more than a screenshot I guess.

Wow! Jira is way ahead on this compared to GitLab. 


@Miro Community Team since GitLab is on the same level as Jira, when do you plan on integrating GitLab? Is it even on your roadmap?

Leigh Fish
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • February 22, 2023

Have there been any updates on this? and also would using Zapier possibly be an interim work around?

I would love to manage GitLab Issues directly from Miro as a Kanban board!

The GitLab Kanban Boards are a bit restrictice, and can’t do everything we want.

Leigh Fish wrote:

Have there been any updates on this? and also would using Zapier possibly be an interim work around?

I have not tried it but also got this recommended during my google search. Would be nice if somebody could post a video using zapier to automate the workflow between GitLab x MIRO.

Leigh Fish
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • February 27, 2023
Dominik Vogt wrote:

GitLab x Miro

I’d like to add to this discussion, by describing the specific feature we need with GitLab x Miro.

Our Situation / How we use Miro with GitLab?

Miro helps us by having a graphical overview of our GitLab issues and how everything slots in together, when working on a bigger project. We create a graphical view, where one issue/milestone/epic is a card on the miro dashboard and gets connected to other issue/milestone/epic-cards, where each connection is a dependency on one or multiple previous issues. Each card is then linked towards the specific GitLab-Link.

With this in mind, we create a flow from left to right. We then start to work on the most left cards and mark our progress on the miro-cards and arrows, connecting the miro-cards. We do work/communicate mainly in GitLab and then update the progress manually in Miro.

The overview in Miro helps our team to know, what milestones to expect and what other people are working on.

You could say, that Miro is a good project management tool in certain aspects, since it adds a lot of geographical features, which classical project management tools lack of. One of the benefits when working in Miro is the ability to collaborate with all team members.

Our Problem / What is the current limit?

Linking GitLab x Miro

When currently pasting a GitLab link into Miro, we get a generic card with no information, since our GitLab-Instance is self-hosted and not publicly available.  So currently it would look like this.

This adds no information. Our current workaround provides that we link the card to the specific GitLab-target. So it looks like this:


This is great, because we can jump to the GitLab Issue form our Miro dashboard. All in all, this works for us but adds manual effort, to connect GitLab x Miro.


Syncing GitLab x Miro

A change inside GitLab (e.g. status of the issue, assigned person, title of the issue) has to be manually adjusted inside Miro. This is also the case, when initialy creating the card.

It would be awesome, when there would be an automatic sync between GitLab x Miro. So lets say somebody changes the title of the issue. Then this gets automatically updated inside the corresponding Miro-Card.

This would also be true for the assigned person, the status of the issue and so on.


Expected Workflow with GitLab x Miro

After our proposal has been added to Miro, this should be our workflow:

  1. Connect GitLab to Miro by providing an API-Key from Gitlab
  2. After Copy & Paste GitLab Link to Miro-Dashboard we will see a Miro-Card with Detailinformation about the GitLab-Source. We would see the issue-title, assigned person, status of the issue (open,closed) and the latest changes.
  3. We would then connect and position multiple Miro-Cards manually or would get a proposal, what Issue to add to an existing Miro-Card

Hope this adds some value to the discussion and reopens the discussion, since I believe there is some value in integrating GitLab x Miro. 

Dominik this is exactly what I’m trying to do. Accept we haven’t started this yet. I’m coming to find you on LinkedIn, Maybe you wouldn’t mind me picking your brain a little? And if we find a solution in the interim I’m happy to share. 🙌🏼
