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Allowing Public Editors to Make Copy of my Miro Board

Hi there,

I developed a Miro Board and updated the access restrictions to enable anyone to edit using the link.

When users (who have personal Miro accounts) access my Board, I want them to be able to make a copy of the Board for their personal use.

Is there a way to do that?



Best answer by Kiron Bondale

@Sikandar -

Since users with separate Miro accounts outside of your team wouldn’t be able to duplicate a board between teams, the easiest approach for them would be to create a new board in their accounts and from a separate browser or app tab select all, copy & paste all objects from your board to theirs.

Another option is for you to take a backup of the board (to an RTB file) and make that file available to users (via Google Drive, Dropbox or other file sharing option) and they can restore that within their teams.


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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • Answer
  • June 21, 2020

@Sikandar -

Since users with separate Miro accounts outside of your team wouldn’t be able to duplicate a board between teams, the easiest approach for them would be to create a new board in their accounts and from a separate browser or app tab select all, copy & paste all objects from your board to theirs.

Another option is for you to take a backup of the board (to an RTB file) and make that file available to users (via Google Drive, Dropbox or other file sharing option) and they can restore that within their teams.


  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • June 26, 2020

Very helpful - thanks so much!

  • Author
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  • 2 replies
  • June 26, 2020

@Kiron Bondale 

Is it possible for an Owner to make another user a Co-Owner in Miro?

It looks like only an Owner can download a .RTB copy of a Board.

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • June 26, 2020

@Sikandar -

Unfortunately not, but you could duplicate the board which would make you the owner of the copied board and then you could download that one.


  • Active Contributor
  • 33 replies
  • April 12, 2022

Related questions: 

I created the “anyone can edit” link to share the master board. 

  1. Since these people are from another company (not a part of my Miro ‘team’), I don’t want them to duplicate my board (nor parts of my board). However, I do want them to have editing rights for various activities. Is it possible to stop them from duplicating--based upon what you said above regarding selecting and copying/pasting to another board? (For example, if they ‘selected all’, would all the locked items be copy-able or no?) Again, I do NOT want them to be able to duplicate my stuff.
  2. When I provide the share link as ‘anyone with link can edit’, and then later I change the setting to ‘anyone with link can view’, then will it immediately change for everyone, whether they are currently on the board or not? I’m hoping so. Essentially, AFTER the training session, I want to be able to let them VIEW the board, but not mess it up :) 

Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • April 13, 2022

@Anne Scarlett -

  1. Yes, you should be able to control this with the team and board-level content sharing options (see here for more info:
  2. Correct - if you remove all access, they will be booted off the board, but if you just downgrade them to view only then that’s all they’ll be able to do. This is exactly what I do with my training sessions as soon as they end for the same reason.


  • Active Contributor
  • 33 replies
  • April 13, 2022

@Kiron Bondale  Thanks much, as always! One other thing: I want them to VIEW and to DOWNLOAD (or at least VIEW) documents on the board. In the ‘view only’ mode, are they still able to do that?  


Take note: I have NO ONE on my official ‘team’ (because if I was do to that, it seems like it would complicate matters---especially since I don’t work at the same firm with these attendees. They are my clients).  SO, currently I am only using the option for ‘anyone with link’. Basically, when we are not in session, I’d like for it to be ‘anyone with link can view and also view/download documents posted on the board’. 

Is that possible? (I have an educator account). 


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • April 13, 2022

@Anne Scarlett -

Unfortunately view only is exactly that - view but no downloads. They can browse the pages in an uploaded PDF and I’m assuming they can do the same with other document types, but they would not be able to download it.

If you give them edit access then they can make copies on the board itself of content (i.e. duplicate a sticky note) but they wouldn’t be able to copy content externally if you controlled the copy access to team members only.


  • Active Contributor
  • 33 replies
  • April 13, 2022

OK, that is helpful to know! Thanks much @Kiron Bondale !

Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
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  • April 14, 2022

@Anne Scarlett -Your use case matches the need for an extra layer of configuration for “Download documents = Yes” but “Copy board = No” - this is already outlined in the Board Content Settings FAQs and will hopefully find it’s way into production one day.

The FAQ also suggests a workaround that may be of interest to you:

I want my board visitors to download files on the board, but I would like to restrict their ability to duplicate the shared board to their account. How can I achieve this?
- At the moment, the two settings cannot be configured separately. However, as a workaround, you can create a separate board with the files and enable the ability to copy the board and content on it.
You may also embed the board with the files on the original one - this way your board visitors will always have access to the files. To embed the board, copy the board embed code following this guide and paste the code as an iframe widget on your main board.

