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Running a powerpoint from Miro?

Hi, for a workshop I will have to run a few powerpoint presentation for a plenary session in between working times on Miro . What is the added value of those different options? and the drawbacks...

  •  adding a googleslide in Miro, play it from Miro and sharing my screen to the participants?
  • playing the googleslide ( or powerpoint) on my computer and sharing my screen on zoom?
  • creating frames with one page of my powerpoint per frame and use the presentation mode?

Thank you so much for your help

Best answer by Kiron Bondale

@Stephanie Bacquere -

I’ve generally gone with the external approach if you have more than a handful of slides as you wouldn’t be able to leverage animations and other advanced PowerPoint features when the deck is imported into Miro. It will also make your board a lot bigger and slower to load if the deck has a lot of “rich” content.

The benefit of doing it natively in Miro is you are only having to have participants use a single tool and don’t have to be swapping between applications.

I would hesitate to go with the third option if you have a lot of slides as that will become pretty onerous to set up.


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Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • Answer
  • May 28, 2020

@Stephanie Bacquere -

I’ve generally gone with the external approach if you have more than a handful of slides as you wouldn’t be able to leverage animations and other advanced PowerPoint features when the deck is imported into Miro. It will also make your board a lot bigger and slower to load if the deck has a lot of “rich” content.

The benefit of doing it natively in Miro is you are only having to have participants use a single tool and don’t have to be swapping between applications.

I would hesitate to go with the third option if you have a lot of slides as that will become pretty onerous to set up.


  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • January 16, 2021

Hi and thanx for your experience @Kiron Bondale. :pray: Maybe you can help me out with my (maybe special) use case:
For a workshop, where I need to provide input of a few slides several times throughout the 3h duration of the workshop, I would like to use some Miro native option. When I did this before, uploading a PDF of my slides and then trying to navigate with the arrows on the toolbar (pls see below), it didn’t work. The participants had to click through the slides themselves, i.e. they did not see the changes in the board like they would whenever I change any other element (e.g. move a sticky note). 
Sharing my screen via Miro didn’t help and I cannot switch back and forth with Zoom all the time in my workshop. I’ll lose half of my participants. :worried:
Do you have any suggestions on how I could solve this? Is there a feature / toggle / function I overlooked on how to make my click visible for the other people seeing the board? Or is there an app or add-on that might do the trick?
I would really appreciate your advice here. Thank you very much in advance :blossom:


Kiron Bondale
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 3040 replies
  • January 16, 2021

@maren -

Not sure I fully understand, but why couldn’t use just share your Miro screen via Zoom? That way, everyone would see as you were moving from PDF page to page. I do multi-day classes where I use a combination of Zoom and Miro and when I’m showing something in the slides, people look at my screenshare and when I want them to do something in Miro, they switch to their Miro apps.


  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • January 16, 2021

Hi Kiron,
thank you for replying so quickly!

My main challenge is that I would have liked to avoid the switching of apps. I seems counter-intuitive to me that I can do something in my board that the other people cannot see, even if I’d like them to. But if even a pro like you simply does the switching, then I guess that’s the way it is. :wink:

Thanks again for taking the time to clarify this for me!


  • Experienced Community Member
  • 743 replies
  • January 16, 2021

Hallo @maren 

wieso nicht sofort das Ganze in miro erstellen:

Geht schnell und Du hast nur eine Anwendung

Wenn Du die Frames nutzt, kannst Du das Ganze wie Slides in PPT gliedern:

und via Zoom oder der Screensharing Funktion von miro sehen alle Teilnehmer exakt Deinen Bildschirminhalt.


