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TOTW (May 10, 2022) — The Privilege Walk (Game)

TOTW (May 10, 2022) — The Privilege Walk (Game)
Anna Savina

This week, The Privilege Walk (Game) by @ricardo_sosa is the Template Of The Week (or TOTW). It’s a template designed to help players talk about and share their understanding of the impact of systemic privilege. 



Do you like this template as much as we do? Leave Ricardo a compliment here, :heart:  his template on Miroverse, and feel free to share your favorite educational games and ice breakers in this thread! 


Voting makes template discovery easier for other members of Miro Community and supports those who are contributing to Miroverse in such a meaningful way.


How do we choose TOTW? It’s a mystery! But upvoting helps! :hugging:

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4 replies

Henrik Ståhl

I love this template, I’m so glad that you created it @Ricardo Sosa and that it was picked as a TOTW because otherwise I might have never become aware of it. 🙏

Fantastic, thank you Anna and thank you Henrik for your kind words. Always interested to learn how others may use this template to facilitate this activity, which needs quite a bit of empathy and care to be relevant and meaningful to participants. Kia ora from New Zealand!

Anna Savina
  • Author
  • Experienced Community Member
  • 66 replies
  • May 11, 2022

@ricardo_sosa agree about the empathy. I’ll let you know if we try it soon — I think it can be a really great exercise for various Employee Resource Groups that we have at Miro! 

@Henrik Ståhl wooo so happy that TOTW helps folks discover more awesome templates!

Henrik Ståhl

@Anna Savina It helps a lot! There are sooo many templates in Miroverse, making it very easy to miss really good ones. 👌