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Exported PDF "printed" dpi doesn't match on-screen ppi

  • October 9, 2020
  • 1 reply

I have the ability to export full quality PDFs.

When I do, what looks good and reasonable at 100% view size in looks about half that that size when I export to PDF.

It’s like there’s a mismatch between PPI and DPI.

This causes problems when someone views my PDF in an app that doesn’t automatically scale up the PDF to fill their available screen space. (for example when embedded in a Slack channel)

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  • 1 reply
  • January 27, 2021

Agreed with this - this is a problem for anyone who needs to work in higher fidelity layout environments for exporting true PDF size.  EI designers, graphic designers, interior, architecture, etc


For example letter (8.5”x11”) exports at  4.22” x 5.46” MIRO seems to automatically scale it to this despite changing the size of the actual frame in miro.

