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Saving boards as templates with voting, voting not transferring over?

Hi all, 

I am working on facilitating multiple workshops and have created a template that allows for voting on several of the frames. 

My trouble is when I save this as a template and pick it up in a new board all of the voting functionality disappears! 


Not sure if this is user error however I think it would be extremely useful to be able to create templates where everything works the same as the original (including links to frames etc in the board). This is especially important when running 10-15 of the same workshop. Looks like I may need to go in and manually add the voting to each of the new boards which is a tad frustrating and time consuming!

TIA love this community :)

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January 7, 2021

 Vote for this idea - Voting functionality to transfer with templates | Miro

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Robert Johnson
  • Volunteer Community Moderator
  • 7282 replies
  • January 7, 2021

@Jeremy SCHOCH - Interesting that this doesn't seem to have come up before. I too tried saving a board with a pre-defined voting session as a template and found that the voting session was not present when I added the template to another board.

So, next I tried both exporting the board as a .RTB backup and restoring it, and duplicating a board, and still no voting session. And then it dawned on me that this is because the voting session was referencing objects unique to that board, which is relevant because when you add a template to a board, restore a board backup, or duplicate a board, all of the objects created during that process (sticky notes, shapes, etc.) are all new/unique.

However, all of that being said, when you have object(s) that are linked to other objects (e.g., a sticky note that has a link to a frame) and you save them as a template, copy-and-paste them to a new board, etc., Miro accounts for this and updates the links to match the new board URL and objects IDs. So, I suspect it's possible--and possibly a backlog item--for Miro to copy store a voting session in a temple/board backup/etc.

Of course, maybe they have chosen not to do this for technical reasons e.g., the voting framework itself is updated in the future, thus breaking any older voting sessions saved in templates (now I am rambling haha).

If you would like to see have this option, I’d recommend adding this as an Idea in the Wish List category by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know. If you do create a Wish List Idea post, I would also recommend that you post a link to it back here, so that future readers of this post can quickly get to and vote for your Idea.

cheers @Robert Johnson . Will add it as a wish list and link it back here!

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 Vote for this idea - Voting functionality to transfer with templates | Miro
