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Make "Back" button in browser work with hyperlinks

  • August 11, 2020
  • 1 reply
  • Grzegorz Sikora
  • Wilms Jens
  • Sam Ballard
  • Steve Tooke
  • Marta del Pozo Lagneaux
  • Björn Hoffmann
  • Jeff Clark
  • Tyson Reeder
  • Kameron Fehrmann
  • Gus Keeble
  • Katja Chang
  • Evan Morgan


An idea that would make the experience better (hopefully!) would be to push the history of hyperlink clicks to the browser history, so that it’s easier to navigate the board.

E.g. when I see part of the board with a link, follow the link and then click back button in the browser, I’d like to go back to the original view (before clicking the link).

Thanks! Kacper.

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I agree, but would not limit this functionality to web.  It should be in the thick client too.  This is one of my biggest complaints with using Miro.  I often create and use hyperlinks to allow a reader to be moved to another section of the board or another board if they are interested in details or another tangent of the current content.  This requires several annoying/inefficient keystrokes, breaking flow/thoughts, to get back to where I was - to continue where I left off after securing the additional detailed/related information required. 

I have to know where I came from, use frame links (taking up screen real estate) or the bottom right map to get back to the general area, and then often do a series of moves and zooms to get back to where I was.  I should be able to just hit a back button or hot key to get to where I was.

With some of the amazing functionality offered, like bringing users to you, or going to another user, I can’t imagine going back to where you were would be that much of a technical challenge.  Hope it might come soon. :-) 
