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Can I use 2FA with sigin in with Google?

  • August 22, 2023
  • 1 reply

I have a question. Can I use 2FA with sign in Google?
I’ve read the article as the below. 
I think it says you can use 2FA with email and password(not with sign in Google).
Is that correct? I can’t use 2FA with sgin in Google?

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Until now, you can only use 2FA in an enterprise plan.

Then, when trying to login, you get an e-mail to your registered e-mail adress and you have to confirm that e-mail to sign in.

There are other possibilities such as using a TOTP time-based one-time-password app.

However, if you sign-in with google, you are most probably not using an enterprise account, so this 2FA is currently not available for you.
