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Advanced search for all plans that have multi-team functionality?

  • July 6, 2023
  • 1 reply
  • Dirk Schollbach
    Dirk Schollbach
  • Victor NOVIELLO



what really annoy me with miro and makes me think of leaving to be honest that it is becoming a mess for me. So many boards and it is hard to find what I m looking for. 

So I strongly suggest enabling the advance search to all plans that have the multi-team functionality.

My plan is quite expensive and I consider a proper search a rather basic function? 


What do you think? 


Thank you, 


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10000% agree!! We don’t qualify for an Enterprise account (very small company) but we have a Business account and we use Miro EXTENSIVELY. We need advanced search so badly but there is literally NO option for us to get it. PLEASE include content find-ability as a business feature. It’s really something we all need.
