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Auto-Number Diagramming Shapes

  • October 20, 2022
  • 2 replies
  • Marina

Would love to have the ability to auto number diagramming shapes in order to easily reference them in other areas of a Miro board or text. There is another idea out there for numbering stickies - hope both could be done!

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I will add that it would be ideal if the numbers are also segmented by frame perhaps?  so if you are creating multiple diagrams on the same board, you wouldn’t just have say numbers going from 1 to 100, but instead, have some sort of an indication which frame they belong in.  So if we’re talking about Frame 1, all shape numbers can be something like 1-xxxxx.  

Just came across this need, and +1 upvote. It’s easy to do this in Visio, especially when importing from Excel, but not able to number objects easily in Miro.

When I export this to non-miro users and they want to provide feedback on specific process steps, they have to type the entire process step, or pull the image into an editor to mark up, and then I have to go find which step they are talking about by searching text. Sometimes similar process steps with minor differences causes confusion as well. With numbering, each box would have it’s unique identifier, it would be much simpler to receive feedback from non-Miro users and navigate to the step quickly. With numbering, a step further, if they could be listed in a bulleted style fashion, sort of like the frames pane, clicking or searching navigates right to it.  It will make navigation so much easier.

 Thank you!
