When re-using components in our designs we use the Link To feature - and this is fantastic because we don’t need to duplicate designs and it’s easy to see that a component is linked to something else because of the arrow in the top right-hand corner.

But, when the Target component is deleted, there isn’t an indicator to show that this item is no longer linked to anything.

It’s only when we actually click on the arrow that we receive an error saying the linked object has been deleted.

With multiple users working on the same board it’s difficult to track when a linked (target) component has been removed. This means designs can be broken and nobody would even realise until a user clicks on the source component to follow the link.
It would be great to have either:
- a list of broken links when we reconnect to a board; or
- change the colour of the arrow (on the source component) to indicate a broken link
This would allow us to easily identify broken structures and quickly resolve design issues.